Log 7

840 28 2

Keith's POV
For days, I have been sensing someone is following me home. But what if I'm just over worrying? I haven't seen anyone behind me when I walk. It's getting really creepy.

"Hey Keith, have you been meeting your boyfriend lately?" Lance teases beside me. I groan. We are in class for god's sake! Can't he keep it to a minimum?

Ever since Lance has learned about my relationship with Shiro. He never misses the opportunity to tease me about it.

Actually, I haven't met Shiro for days since that night. But we constantly text and call each other every night. Though I get irritated when he doesn't reply. He usually takes a day before he replies! He is so busy all the time.

"Will you shut it Lance? We're in class!" I hiss.

"Is there something going on in there?" the professor asks us. All of the students look at us. Just great!

I scowl. This was all Lance's fault.

"Nothing sir. Continue on," Lance says cheerfully and smiles. The students ignore us. The professor shrugs and continues on with his lecture.

I stare daggers at Lance then focus on the lecture.

After the lecture, I pack my things and plan to go to the next class but then...

"Keith, I need to talk to you," the professor calls out to me.

I share a look with Lance. Lance shrugs. Was it about me and Lance talking? But if it was, he would have called Lance too. I tell Lance to go ahead. He gives me a backward glance and a salute, then he walks off.

I approach the professor. If I remember correctly, his name was Professor Bramley.

"Yes professor?" I say.

"Well, Keith. This is your final year right?" the professor asks.

"Yes sir,"

So this isn't about what happened a few moments ago?

"Have you considered looking for a future job already? Your grades are exceptional," he comments as he looks at my papers.

"Uh, thank you sir? But I haven't yet,"

Well, I have enough part time jobs to be busy on.

"Hmm, is that so? Well I hope you are able to find one. Maybe you could start an internship in a company for experience. Would you like me to notify you if there is any notices?" the professor asks.

"Y-yes sir, I would like that," I say. I am surprised that he will offer me such a good opportunity. I haven't been able to focus in that area. I was planning too but...

"Ok good. Run along now. You still have class right?"

"Ah yes. T-thank you sir," I say in gratitude and walk out.

I haven't actually though about my future. I went to college on a scholarship. I just expected to go along with it and find a job once I graduated.

I walk to my next class. As soon as I enter the room, I hear the class's noise. The whole class was in uproar. What is wrong?

I find Lance and seat beside him.

"What is going on?"

Lance looks at me with wide eyes and gulps. He shows me his phone which showed an article in social media.


There showed a picture of Shiro inviting a woman in to his home. The face of the woman was blurred but you could see the figure of the woman based on the clothes she was wearing.

Opposites Attract ~ Shiro X Keith 👨‍❤️‍👨Where stories live. Discover now