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Keith's POV
Last night was a dream. I couldn't actually believe what happened.

"Hey Keith!"


It was the store manager. He was my boss in this convenience store. This is my second part time job. I work here noon until 6 pm at the cashier and then someone else takes my shift.

"Snap out of it. You're smiling. That's creepy,"

"Uh oh sorry," I didn't usually smile. But I can't help it! I really had fun last night. And that kiss...

Okay, okay I know. It was just our second meeting and I kissed him. No he kissed me. But either way we still did. But I just barely know him. And he's the freaking CEO of Voltron Tech. How could I forget? But when I'm with him, I just know him as Shiro. Nothing else.

The store manager just shakes his head and heads to the back to check on the stocks. The bell rang signalling a customer had entered the store.

I start our customary greeting. "Welcome to our-"


Before my eyes are Hunk and Lance. They grab me from behind the counter and drag me outside of the store.

"What?!" I exclaim. Thankfully, no other customers were coming in so I won't be scolded by the manager for leaving my post.

Hunk shoves his phone at me. I look at it and gulp.

It was a photo of me and Shiro kissing in front of the movie cinema.

"How did you get this?!" I exclaim. I try to grab the phone from Hunk but Hunk was quicker and he starts evading me.

"You went on a date with the Shiro?! And kissed him?!" Lance exclaims blocking me from Hunk.

"Keep it down will you?" I say to Lance.

"You guys were so close to each other and so cute." Hunk teases. I clench my fist. I'm really embarrassed right now that I've been spotted.

"How. Did. You. Get. That?" I ask seriously.

"Hey not my fault you were hanging out in front of my favourite taco place," Hunk huffs.

"But that was so late!"

"You are never too late for food. And besides I was hungry for a midnight snack, " Hunk points out.

"So it is true," Lance says.

"What?" I say irritated.

"That you and Shiro are dating of course. I told Lance that it was a matter of time," Hunk says.

"We are not dating," I say defiantly.

"Uh, but you just had a date,"Lance points out.

"And you guys slept together," Hunk adds.

"And had a very long make out session," Lance teases.

"But we are not dating. He is not my boyfriend," I say.

Hunk and Lance looks at me with weird expressions.

"You guys haven't made it official?!" Hunk asks with shock in his face.

"He hasn't really asked me to be his boyfriend..." I trail off.

After the kiss, he just invited me to take me home to my apartment. The whole ride was in silence. When we arrived, we just had a small peck in the lips and said good night. That was it. But I couldn't ask for more.

Opposites Attract ~ Shiro X Keith 👨‍❤️‍👨Where stories live. Discover now