Log 1

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Keith's POV
I groan as the sun shine brightly above and blinds me. I swung my backpack, exit the bus I just rode and start to walk to my destination, Altean University. It was just a ten minute walk from the bust stop but for me it was like eternity. Sorry for being a pain in the ass but that's who I really am so deal with it.

I groan once more. I really hate early morning lectures! Who in the world has the decency to wake up so early in the morning for a lecture which has a chance of the professor not coming at all? And if the professor actually showed up, I didn't understand a word he said!

"Well, well. Isn't it Mr. Emo. Why up so early?" A voice calls out from behind. I turn around to see a face I didn't want to meet so early in the morning. With his blue hoodie on, jeans and a pair of red sneakers, here comes his friend Lance.

"Shut up Lance,"I reply. But Lance,as usual, ignores me and puts his arm around my shoulder.

"No can do buddy. It's a new year and a fresh start for our last year in college. So put a smile on that serious face of yours," Lance says and attempts to force a smile into my face. I shake my face from his grasp.

"Don't touch me," I say seriously to him. Lance puts up his hands in defeat, not wanting to cause any trouble with me. I smirk and walk ahead of him. Though Lance and I aren't always in good terms, I consider him one of my closest friends. Speaking of friends, there was someone missing...

"There you are Hunk!"Lance greets as he spots Hunk exiting a bakery shop, carrying a paper bag filled with food obviously.

"Good morning guys,"Hunk greets back and joins us.

I couldn't actually remember how this little group came to be. I think it was our first year in college and we already had one thing in common. We were treated like outcasts. Hunk was teased because of his big belly and his name. Ironically his name and physical appearance were the total opposite. Lance on the other hand is an idiot and very confident of himself. He tries to flirts with girls but in the end he makes a fool of himself. But one thing I admire about him is his idiocy which makes him not notice the negative comments about him and just smiles all the way and never changes. And lastly me, you could guess why already. I tend to not show my emotions so people classify me as emo and avoids interacting as much as possible.

We were always the ones left alone at lunch. Lance,being the cheerful person, approached me first. No matter how many times I tried to avoid him, he was always there next to me. I got used to it and let it pass. Hunk soon followed after. And that is how our group came to be.

"So, it's our last year here huh?" Hunk says as we finally reach the entrance. Students were already streaming in the familiar gates of this university.

Altean University was a big university, specializing in business and sciences. It had every facility you need, from classrooms to presentation rooms and more. And what made it more prestigious is that school is sponsored by the Voltron Tech. Voltron Tech is a famous company focused on producing the most updated gadgets and software around the globe. Rumors say that the CEO of the company's alma mater was Altea University that is why they chose to be a sponsor for this university.

"Don't be so down Hunk! Let's make this the most memorable year of our-"

"Miserable college lives?" I interrupt Lance with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah but scratch the miserable,"Lance points out and heads inside. I shake my head and start walking. There were students everywhere. New students looking for their buildings. Seniors joking around and meeting with friends they haven't seen over the summer.

I notice Lance was not beside Hunk as usual. Hunk who was busy eating his bread throws a knowing glance at me and points to where Lance was headed. He is walking to a group of girls who are probably first years and they looked lost. I groan in frustration. I quickly follow him and grab his collar even before he could reach him.

Opposites Attract ~ Shiro X Keith 👨‍❤️‍👨Where stories live. Discover now