Chapter 9

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Levi ^^

Chapter 9

After Haley drives us home from the mall and I take a quick twenty minute break to recollect myself from my embarrassing breakdown, she leaves to the living room to go order some food. I insisted on Chinese but she pretended not to hear me and ordered pizza instead. And knowing how much I don't like Hawaiian pizza, that's exactly what she ordered.

"You know, I've never noticed that store before," she comments, lying down on one of the pillows we had thrown on the ground.

I give her a weird look while leaning my back against the sofa. "What do you mean?"

"The store you ran to at the mall. I've never seen it before," she says, staring up at the ceiling thoughtfully.

"Maybe you just haven't looked around that area," I reply carelessly, rearranging the blankets around me to keep myself warm. I have to leave a note for my mother telling her that our heater broke so she doesn't try adjusting it when she comes home later.

"No. Trust me, I've been through every single crack in that mall, I go there at least once a week! Most of the time I don't buy anything since I'm broke but that mall is like a second home to me. And yet that's the first time I've ever seen that store. Hell, I didn't even know there was a store that," she says, turning to face me.

"Does it matter," I ask, just as the doorbell rings.

Haley stands up to answer it while grabbing her wallet from the counter. "You're right. It's pretty dark around that area anyways so..." she trails off, going towards the door.

I keep scrolling through my social media before I hear Haley exclaim, "Levi?" He's here?

Pushing the twenty pounds of blankets away from me, I stand up and walk over to see Levi holding a large pizza box. Instead of looking surprised to see us like I expected him to, he just has a blank expression. The bored look in his eyes almost makes it seem like he's done this many times before. That can't be true though since he recently just moved here.

"Oh hey what are you guys doing here?" he asks, looking surprised. Or at least he tried to look surprised. He really needs to work on his acting skills because this is just a really sad attempt.

"What do you want?" I ask, slightly pushing Haley out of the way.

He gives me a fake confused look. "Um, maybe twenty-five fifteen for the food? Maybe a not so little tip since it's freezing outside and I'm out here delivering food?"

While Haley starts counting the money that we need to pay for the pizza, I just kept looking over at Levi. This is the first time I've seen him without sunglasses. He's still wearing dark clothes but this is the most skin he's shown since I've met him. Without his sunglasses blocking the view of his face, I can make out green eyes, pale skin and sharp facial features.

"Here you go, thanks Levi," Haley says, handing him the cash before taking the box from him. He gives us a nod before walking away. Even after Haley closes the door, I still continue staring at the spot where he was.

"You okay Braska?" she asks, giving me a concerned look.

I feel bad for making her worry so I give her a soft smile while rubbing my arm. "Nothing Hales."

She gives me a calculating look before her eyes light up. "Oh...OH! I get it now!" she exclaims, looking very excited. What's she talking about?


"Now I get it. No wonder, it all makes sense now!" She keeps babbling on about her great big discovery until I finally get fed up and yell at her to tell me. Instead of reacting to my outburst, she just smirks at me. "Aw, my little baby Braska is finally growing up," she coos, rubbing my head like I'm some puppy who learned a new trick.

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