Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

When I wake up the next morning, it isn't because my body decided that I had gotten enough rest, it's because of someone with tiny hands pulling at my hair to try and get me to move.

"Wake up, Braska!" Jason whines, giving one more tug at my hair. I groan annoyed at his antics and softly push him away so I don't accidentally hurt him. I may not be strong but Jason is weaker than me so I have to be careful with him.

I yawn loudly and stretch my arms and neck before looking over at Jason. He's already dressed in his own clothes, even though his hair is still pretty messy, and he has his shoes on but they're untied.

How is an eight year old more of a morning person than me?

Glancing at the time, I see that it's an hour before school starts. For me at least, Jason's school starts later than mine but I walk him there early because we have no other ride. I could always use Tony's care but I'm pretty sure he already came by earlier in the morning or late last night to get it. Plus he needs it to drive himself to work.

"Go make sure your backpack is packed and wait for me to cook up something. Watch tv or play with your toys until then," I say, rubbing the back of my head while pushing the covers away from me. If Jason keeps at it, I'll have no hair before the year even ends. Maybe I should consider getting an alarm clock...

I get up and walk to the bathroom. After a quick five minute shower, I wrap the towel around myself and then put moisturizer on my face. I lotion my arms and legs before walking to my closet to pick an outfit for the day.

Sadly, the amount of clothes I have is limited so it doesn't take long for me to pick out jeans and a light blue top. I put on my only pair of sneakers, which are still slightly wet, and grab a comb before walking to the living room.

Instead of watching tv or playing with his toys, Jason is sitting patiently on the table, hands folded on the table, looking around the kitchen. His backpack is leaning against the door while his tiny feet are dangling over the edge of the seat. I wish I have a camera to snap a picture of this perfect moment.

"What do you want for breakfast?" I ask, opening the freezer.

"Mickey Mouse," he replies, with a toothy grin.

I smile back before taking out the Mickey Mouse shaped chicken nuggets and heating them up in the microwave. I pour two glasses of milk and hand one of them to Jason. He makes a face but starts taking small sips of it.

For my breakfast, I quickly pour myself a bowl of cereal before sitting down. After the microwave beeps, I hand the plate over to Jason and we start eating.

"Jason," I start, with my mouth slightly full, "did you even take a shower?"

He shakes his head. "No, I do it tonight," he says, stuffing more food in his mouth. Once he finishes, he pushes his empty plate and half finished glass of milk over to me. "I'm done," he states, getting off the chair.

"Not with your milk," I say, motioning to the glass with my spoon. He pretends not to hear me and instead runs over to his room before I hear the sound of his door closing shut. I roll my eyes at his behavior but drink his milk since I finished mine a few minutes ago.

After I finish, I brush my teeth and comb my hair before grabbing my phone from the counter and putting it in my pocket. "C'mon Jason, time to go!" I shout, grabbing the house keys. I also grab a pack of Sour Patch Kids and place it inside my backpack. Even though it came from the creepiest person ever, it's still my favorite snack.

Stalker or not, I love those sour-sweet little things.

When I reach the front door, I see Jason waiting for me with his backpack on. He opens the door and steps out while I turn the lock. "You remembered to close your windows, right?" I ask, putting the keys inside my backpack.

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