Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Jason's laughter is the only thing keeping my eyes open. When I had agreed to watch TV with him, I thought we were going to watch shows or movies that we both enjoyed. Instead, I'm watching reruns of Fairly Odd Parents.

The show makes absolutely no sense to me, but I guess it makes complete sense in Jason's brain. Yeah because it's perfectly normal to have two goldfish that transform themselves into fairies. The goldfish I won at a fair died before I even left the fair.

"Can we watch something else?" I whine, when Jason makes a move to click on another episode. He points but places the remote in my lap.

"Watch what?" he asks, hugging a pillow closer to his body while I carefully decide on something else.

As much as I want to see Spencer Reid, Criminal Minds has too much violence for him. I don't even want to think about him watching Bob's Burgers. I don't think he'll enjoy watching Supernatural very much. American Horror Story is definitely out of the question as well.

"How about a movie?" I suggest, running out of options since I don't really watch any other show.

"Can I pick?" he asks, with a hopeful look on his face. I nod and he walks towards our small collection of DVDs. Most of the movies we have came from either Haley or Lucas and sometimes Tony for our birthdays or Christmas.

He shows the movie Marley and Me and I smile. "Sure. But while I put that in, can you grab me that box of tissues?"


"Braska, why are you crying?" Jason asks, peeking at me before returning his attention back to the screen. The movie is already over but Jason thinks that the end credits are part of the movie so he has to watch it.

"I'm not crying, I just have something in my eye," I lie, wiping away the last of my tears with the tissue. Don't judge me. I know I'm not the only one who still cries watching this movie. It's just so sad.

"What time is it?" he asks.

I look over at the clock. "Eight, which means that you have to-"

"I don't wanna!" he whines, covering his ears. I roll my eyes at his behavior and point down the hall towards his room.

"Jason, bed. Now. And brush your teeth before you go," I tell him. He pouts but otherwise says nothing as he trudges slowly towards his room. Just before he's out of sight, he looks back at me and sticks out his bottom lip.

Any other day, it might have worked and I'd let him stay up an extra hour, but I'm already worked up from the fight with Haley and everything that happened this month so I maintain my blank face and point to his room. He glares at me before running towards his room, slamming the door once he's inside and I let out a huge sigh and rub my face. Great, now my own brother hates me too.

After about a minute of just sitting there, I hear the doorbell ring. I groan before standing up. Whoever it is, I'm not in the mood. I slowly make my way over to the door and open it, before letting out a shriek.

There, standing right outside my door, is a girl covered head to toe in blood. Behind her, I see a trail of blood making me pale and suddenly I feel everything I've eaten in the past hour slowly come back up. This girl bled the entire time walking here...

I swallow down the bile and back away from her but she grasps my arm, letting me feel her warm blood. I scream again terrified before pushing her away from me. My arms are now coated in her blood and I start panting hoping that this is all a dream. Please let this be a dream.

"You!" she shouts, leaning against the door frame for support. Her voice sounds so familiar but I push that to the back of my mind and grab my phone before dialing 911.

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