It's Three of Us Now

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Lori p.o.v

I woke up this morning amd rushed to the bathroom to start throwing up. After I got done I looked in the mirror and saw that I wasnt at my house. Then Darell came in.

"You okay ? Whats wrong?" He asked alarmed.

"I'm okay. I had to throw up. I'm a little sore but other than that I'm good." I said as he walked me back to the bed. Few minutes later the doctor walked in.

"Good morning, Ms.Jackson. I am Dr.Kline.  You blacked out again before we could tell you any information. "

"Well why am I in here? " I asked.

" You have two bruised ribs and you're pregnant. " she said calmly.

"I'm what?!?!?" I said loudly.

"You're 3 weeks pregnant.  It's a miracle you didn't lose the baby.Try to be more careful and not beat up anymore trifling hoes." she smiled.

I bust out laughing.  How she know about that. I looked at Darell and he smirked while saying "You talk in your sleep hun."

"Well congratulations and I'll be back later to check on you" Dr.Kline said before leaving the room.

"What you thinking love?" Darell said staring at me .

" Just the fact that I'm pregnant by a guy who has put me through so much and I dont even know if I really love him anymore. " I started to sob.

Darell got up and came to my side and held me against his chest. "Don't cry. shhh. It's gonna be alright. You got me to help you. I know I'm not the father but I'll still be there for yoh and the baby ."

I looked up at him and smiled. "Thank you." He wiped my face and said he was gonna get me some real food since I'm eating for two .

" Got a taste for anything in particular? "

"McDonalds please. " I said like a little kid.

"What should I get you?"

"2 big macs, a large fry, 3 spicy chicken sandwiches and a strawberry limonade" I said with grin.

" Damn hun . Y'all bought to eat enough to feed seven people.   But I'll be back in a few. You gonna be ight up here by yourself? "

"Yes I'll be fine. Now go get OUR food WE starving." I laughed.

After he left , I flipped through the channels till I found my show Bring It. I swear them girls be getting it. My mind drifted a little and I stared thinking about the situation.  Edward done me wrong so many times and now I'm having his baby. Maybe I could just pack my stuff and leave. He won't have to know about the baby and I won't have to see him anymore.  Yea thats what I'll do. I heard a knock on the door and thought it was  Darell.

"You got back quick" I chuckled. But It wasn't Darell, It was Edward. " What the hell you doing here?" I mugged.

"I came to see you if you were okay and apologize.  I'm sorry I kept Mariah and my son a secret from you. I thought if you found out you'd leave me and baby I can't lose you. Please baby,  whenever you get out of here I promise to be a better man to you and fix my wrongs." He pleaded.

Just as I was going to respond,  Darell came in. "I got your load fattie but-" he stopped when he saw Edward. Then looked at me as if to ask is this the dude that I talked about. I nodded.

"Aye bruh what you doing here?" Darell said.

"Nigga I ain't gotta answer to you.  Lori who the hell is he?" He said angrily.

"Thats Darell.  He's my bestfriend. "

"You fucking him? Was you with this nigga while I was locked up?! I knew you was a hoe. " he yelled.

"Don't talk to her like that. It'd be best if you leave before I gotta handle ya." Darell said taking a step closer to Edward.

"Nigga you ain't gone do shit."

"Edward please , just leave ." I yelled while crying.

He looked at me with confusion then anger and left. I broke down again.  I don't know whether its the hormones or what but I couldn't hold it in. Darell came to my side once again , got in the bed and held me. Its times like these im glad I have him.

After I finally got myself together I dug into my food. Who knew that drama could make me so hungry but I remembered u haven't eaten in almost 3 days. I was on my last spicy chicken sandwich when I noticed Darell staring at me. I swear this boy gotta stop that. Got me feeling all weird and stuff.

"You're staring again"

"I know. I was just trying to figure out why were even with him. "he sighed.

I looked down. "I honestly don't know why either. I think I stayed with him because I didn't want to be alone."

He lifted my chin."You're not alone." Then kissed me with such passion that sent chills down my spine.

"Lori, I know its sudden but I want you . I want you in my arms everyday. Will you be my girl?" He said looking deep into my eyes.

"Oh Darell yes!" I cried as I hugged him .

"Great. Now scoot ovet I'm tired and want to lay next to my babies"he said smiling.

I laughed.  I swear he's one of a kind.  We found love in a hopeless place.

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