The Nightmare Isn't Over

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Bryant p.o.v

I walked to Room 707 and stuck my head in to see Kim asleep. I came in and sat down in the chair next to her bed. She is truly beautiful , I don't wanna take my eyes off of her. I got a text from Darell asking about Kim. I told him she seemed okay but was still sleep .

How can i have just met this girl and I'm already caring about how she doing , what kinda person she is, and if she would even like somebody like me. Bro maybe I'm just tripping from all the shit that went on.


"Yea ,Kim its me. You need anything? " i said as i brought her water.

"Thanks. I feel like i got hit by a truck "

"Nah you got shot but you took like a G. You didn't even cry" i said with a chuckle.

"Why you stayed with me though? Like you got me to the hospital but didn't leave me. Just why?"

"I don't know to be honest. Ever since i met you its been something about you. I haven't figured out what it is but i feel the need to around you." I said looking shyly at her.

"Mmmm you know you're cute when you're nervous " she smiled.

*Rich by August Alsina and Kirko Bangz plays*

"Yea Darell wassup?"

"You know that nurse that been helping Lori since she was pregnant? Bruh thats my aunt!"

" Nigga foreal???"

"Yea ,I'm gonna talk to her later about whats been going on. But i just had to tell you. I'm gonna go to the house and see if that Kid Ice nigga tried to fuck more shit up."

"Ight fam stay safe."

"Everyday I'm breathing I'm in danger. "

With that Darell hung up. I hope he dont do anything drastic.

Darell p.o.v

As i was limp-walking out the hospital, i couldn't help but get the feeling i was bring watched.

I went to my escalade and drove to chick fil a because ya boy was starving , then i went home. Everything was just as i left it . I don't whether thats a good thing or a bad thing.

I took a hoe bath and changed clothes. After i felt decent. I grabbed some clothes for Lori and someof her old clothes for Kim.

I heard a knock on the door but when i went i didnt see anyone. I wasn't gonna take any chances so i grabbed my gun from between the couch cushions and went to the door again. When i opened it there was a note.

"You think blowing up my trap was gonna hurt me ? I know everyone is still alive but the question is how much longer. ;)

-Kid Ice"

I rushed to my truck and called Bryant.

"Bro where are you?!?"

"On my way to get Kim something from McDonald's. Wassup?"

"We need to get to the hospital ASAP! Ice is up to something. "

15 minutes later me and Bryant pulled up at the same time. We went to the girls room and they were gone. Their beds, ivs, belongings, and even the oxygen tanks.

I started trashing what was left of the room until Bryant stopped me.

"He took her again! Again i couldn't protect her! What if this nigga kills her man! Not only will i feel bad for her getting stolen once but twice and her sister! I'm not even a man! A man wouldn't let this keep happening!" I yelled while crying.

"Darell! Pull yourself together! This is not the time to go in bitch mode. We got to stay strong and find them. I got your back and you have mine. We can do this."

I feel worse than shit how could i let this happen. I swear this is it. I will kill Kid Ice my damn self.

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