Depressing Happenings: part16

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Gibbs came in to Ziva. She looked up at him.

"You need to see your therapist.", he said calmly.

"No, I hate her. I don't want to see her. And it doesn't help at all.", Ziva answered almost yelling. So Gibbs left. He went down to McGee.

"McGee, I need a phone number."

"Yes boss from?"

"Rachel Cranston", he answered and McGee looked amazed at him. But knowing that Gibbs would get mad if he doesn't searched the number he started. Also Tony looked amazed at Gibbs.

"Kate's sister? Why?", Tony asked him. Gibbs just looked at him with his you-know look and so Tony went back to work.

"Gibbs, I've the number.", McGee said a bit later. He gave Gibbs the number and Gibbs called her.

"Dr. Cranston", the women on the phone answered the call.

"Yea, we need you at the NCIS.", Gibbs told her and hang the call off, so she couldn't reply something. Gibbs left to buy another coffee. As he came back in the bullpen Rachel was already waiting for him.

"Gibbs, why am I here?", she asked confused. Gibbs pointed with his finger up the stairs and went up. Rachel followed him. On their way Leon saw them. He asked what she's doing here. She just said she doesn't know because it's the truth. They arrived in front of a door.

"I go if you don't tell me why I am here!", she said angrily.

"Ziva.", Gibbs answered simply.

"I thought she is in Israel.", Rachel was confused.

"She's here and she didn't eat the last moths and she's still cutting. She doesn't want to see her therapist so I called you.", Gibbs explained and Rachel was shocked.

"And now I shall talk to her?!", she asked still shocked.

"Exactly.", Gibbs answered opened the door and left. He went down to Abby. Ziva looked at the open door and saw Rachel standing there. Rachel came slowly in.

"Gibbs called you, didn't he?", Ziva asked annoyed.

"He did.", Rachel answered and Ziva mumbled siómething in Hebrew to herself.

"You can go. I'm fine.", Ziva told Rachel.

"If this what Gibbs told me about you is true, you're definitely not fine.", she said to ZIva with a strict but helpful look. She grabbed a chair and sat down next to Ziva. Ziva laid on the couch looking at the ceiling and her hands were resting on her stomach.

"I'm here to help you. So let me help you.", Rachel said calmly.

"Nobody can help me. The pain doesn't end.", Ziva said frustrated.

"We try it. So maybe you tell me when it began. When have you stopped eating and started cutting?", Rachel asked still calmly.

"After Somalia.", Ziva answered and her voice cracked as she said the last word.

"Well, what happened there? II want to hear the whole story, but only if you want to tell me.", Rachel asked and made some notes.

"Only if you're not going to tell Tony or anyone else.", Ziva said with her Mossad-ninja-kill look.

"I'm not going to tell anyone. You can trust me."

"Well, my father sent me to Somalia for a mission. I can't talk about details. I was there alone. I sent my partner back home earlier because he was injured. I was almost done as they've caught me. I was taken as a prisoner for almost 4months. Then came Tony, McGee and Gibbs to save me and they brought me back home.", Ziva explained uneasy.

"May I ask what happened as you were taken as a prisoner?"

"Saleem, he tortured me every day. I've still a lot of scars from the knife he used. He called me names nobody should ever hear.", Ziva said the first word quietly almost whispering and she gulped her tears back.

"But there happened something more, didn't it?"

"He, He raped me. Often. Almost every day and after he was done he called me hoe." Ziva stood up and left the room. She went in the ladies room, sat on the floor and cried. Her arms wrapped around her legs and her head was resting on her knees. Rachel followed her and Tony saw it, so he followed aswell. Tony looked as Rachel and signaled her to leave the room. so she did. Tony sat next to Ziva on the floor and wrapped his arms around her. After awhile just crying she put her head on Tonys shoulder and Tony held her head.

"It's okay. I'm here, Sweet cheeks."

"Nothing is okay, Tony. It will never stop haunting me.", Ziva sobbed.

"Well, let me help you. Just tell me what you need, Zi.", Tony said with a caring and calming voice.

"I want to tell you what happened in Somalia.", Ziva whispered to him. He looked at her amazed. He thought she would never tell him.

"Just take as much time as you need. I'm always here.", he kissed her hair and she nodded.

"Saleem", she began "He beat me and tortured me everyday. But there happened something more.", she took a deep breath "He raped me.", she said quickly and quietly. Tony was shocked. He knew Ziva went through hell but he never thought about that. He was pretty shocked and unable to speak. After he got his composure back he pressed closer against him."

"I, I didn't know, Ziva. I'm so sorry for that. You don't deserve this. I'm so sorry.", he tried to calm her and himself down. They sat there on the floor unable to move. It was a shock for Tony and hard for Ziva to speak about it.


Rachel went in the bullpen where Gibbs waited for her.

"And?", he asked hoping for good news.

"Well, she talks to Tony at the moment.", she answered happily and Gibbs nodded.

"2times a week, doctor.", he told her.

"I think once a week is enough for her.", she answered and left. Gibbs went in the ladies room to look after Ziva but as he saw Tony holding his crying ninja he decided to let them alone. He left for another coffee. McGee and Ellie were sitting behind there desks looking at each other wondering what's going on.

I decided to put Rachel in because I really like her and I think she should be on TV in NCIS more often. This part is dedicated to @tiva_mcabby_ncis because I love you Sophie and you're the Rachel for me. You're always there and help me if I need you. Hope you like this chapter. -Svenja

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