Depressing Happenings: part11

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Tony and Gibbs drove to the Navy Yard while Ziva was at the therapist. They went to work finishing the old case. Zivas case. As they arrived McGee and Ellie were already waiting for them. They thought they knew who was it in the bank. And so they saved the case. Then they had to do paperwork. Things they all hate. But they did it. After 2hours Tony left to bring Ziva home. He arrived at her therapists and she was already waiting for him. She came in the car and they drove at Gibbs'.

"Are you sure you want to be alone?", he asked her carefully.

"Yes, I am. Bye.", She answered and went out of the car. Tony drove back to work.

"How is she?", Gibbs asked as he came in the bullpen.

"I don't know. She didn't say something and I didn't want to ask her.

"Okay" they went back to work.

Ziva is at home. She tried to sleep because she was very tired. But she couldn't. She had horrible nightmares about Saleem and Somalia. She stood up and went outside. She stood in Gibbs garden. After awhile of standing there her clothes and hair were totally soaked by the rain. But she didn't care.

'Don't let them in, don't let them see.... Be the good girl you always have to be.... Conceal, don't feel.... Don't let them know.... Let it go, Let it go.... Turn away and slam the door.... I don't care.... The cold never bothered me anyway.... I'm free, Let it go, Let it go.... I am one with the wind and sky.... Let it go, Let it go.... You'll never see me cry.... Here I stand.... And here I'll stay.... Let the storm rage on.... I'm never going back, the past is in the past.... Let it go, Let it go.... Here I stand.... In the light of day.... Let the storm rage on.... The cold never bothered me anyway....' She said to herself and replied it a few times. She stood there in the cold wind and rain and the time flied.

After awhile came Gibbs and Tony home. They parked the car and saw Ziva standing in the garden freezing. Gibbs went in and Tony to her. He wanted to put his hand on her shoulder, but she said

"Don't touch me." so he didn't.

"Ziva, come in. You're freezing and soaked.", he told her but she didn't react. Then came Gibbs out. He had a blanket in his hands and wrapped it around Ziva.

"Ziva, come in.", he told her.

"No, I don't.", she answered him.

"But you're freezing. C'mon!", Gibbs tried to bring her in.

"The cold never bothered me anyway.", she mumbled to herself so Tony and Gibbs couldn't understand her. Gibbs hold her and leaded her in. He sat her down in the couch and Tony sat next to her. Gibbs grabbed another blanket and wrapped it also around Ziva. Then he turned the fire on. He sat on the other side from Ziva and together they tried to calm her down and they wanted to know why she was doing all the things she did.

Another part it's short because I'm with my friend, but she's already asleep. Just wanted you to know the things Ziva said to herself she's saying not singing :) I just watched Frozen two times this night with her and I think the dog is perfect for Zivas situation so I put it in.

Have a nice day/night! -Svenja

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