Chapter 1: Acceptance Letter

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"What is minecraft to you?"
"It's my escape from reality. So many things happen in my life that just damper my parade. Whenever I log onto minecraft, I feel like I'm home. My home where I can be free and do what I want, well, within reason of course. My family is my friends. I wouldn't have met them if it weren't for the wonderful community of minecraft. They support me. They make my laugh. Everything they have done for me has kept me alive. I feel like minecraft has changed me into the wonderful person I am today. To me, minecraft is my family."

I folded the application and slipped it into the envelope. Licking the envelope closed, I thought, "I'm really doing this." I live on my own now, away from my so called "family." I ran down to drop the application in my mailbox. Now all I have to do is wait.

Le Time Skip: About 2 Weeks Later (~o_o)~

The wait is agonizing at this point. I played, and played, and played minecraft everyday training. I also uploaded a few videos, having around 500,000 subscribers. But it feels like forever until I get my letter back. I'm praying that they chose me. Please. The door bell rang. I jumped up from my desk and literally sprinted all the way to the front door. A man asked, "Are you Malia Swyft?"

"Yep that's me!" I answered.

He handed me a white envelope with the minecraft university crest on the front. I almost jerked it from his hands in pure excitement. I said, "Well thanks bye!" and closed the door on him. Gosh, why am I such a bad person. Before I opened the letter I had to call my friend, Angela. She picked up after about three rings. I asked anxiously, "Did you get your letter back?"

"YES! What about you, Malia? I've been wating a solid five minutes!"

"Yep I just got mine!"

We exchanged fangirl squeels of excitement.

"Okay, you SWEAR you didn't open yours yet Angela?"

"I, Angela Li, swear I didn't open my letter yet."

"Okay, remember our promise, that we'd open them together at my appartment?"

"Yeah yeah I totally remember! I'll be over in about 2 minutes!"

Angela hung up right at that line. Haha oh Angela, she's always there when I need her. Being best friends, I decided to move to the same appartment complex as her. It's a pretty nice complex after all. I hear her running down the hall. Then I ran over to my door. Before she got to my door, I swung it open and she swooped into my house.

"Heyy girl heyy!" I screamed. It's our thing.

"Heyyyy! So, are we going to open these letters or what?"she said giggling.

"Ready?" Angela asked anxiously.

"Ready as I'll ever be," I responded grabbing my letter with shaking hands.




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