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A soft sigh left Alana's plump lips that had been painted a bright red colour to match the pointe shoes on her feet

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A soft sigh left Alana's plump lips that had been painted a bright red colour to match the pointe shoes on her feet.

"Hey, Alana?" She whipped around, a frown on her pretty face when she saw who had called out to her. "Can we talk?"

"Can it wait? I've got to concentrate," the brunette turned back away from him. "Besides, there's nothing I have to say to you."

"Then you can just listen." Kyle reached out and grabbed her hand. "I've been thinking about how things ended between us, and I'm really sorry. I never should have made that bet. You're such an amazing girl and I know I don't deserve you but I also can't see myself with anyone else. Will you please forgive me and give me another chance? You're all I want."

It was silent between them for a moment as Alana thought about her answer. His words sounded genuine but she now knew his type. His promising words were recited from a script. They had been rewritten and revised a hundred times over from the trials and errors of his past lovers.

"No," she finally answered, letting her soft curls bounce lightly as she shook her head. "And I would appreciate it greatly if you never talked to me again."

He nodded his head silently, "Okay."

Alana watched as he left with tears in his forest coloured eyes. She let out another soft sigh.

"Alana?" Her father's voice called out to her. "Thought I'd come see you before you went on. Are you nervous?"

Her red lips turned up into a small smile, "Kind of, yeah. In all honesty, I've never had family watch me perform. My mom was always busy or too sick."

"Well from now on, we'll all be in the crowd for every performance no matter what," he gave a smile that matched hers.

"Elijah?" She called out to him before he walked away. "Thank you for coming. It means a lot to me."

He smiled gingerly, "I wouldn't miss it for the world."

Once Elijah had left, Alana was alone once more. She took a moment to give herself a once over, making sure she wasn't missing anything from her costume.

"You look beautiful." Her teacher beamed proudly. "Are you ready?"


In an attempt to get rid of her nerves, the teenager shook her hands, rolled her shoulders, before finally cracking her neck. It was a ritual she used to do before every performance and the familiarity of it brought her a sense of peace.

"Break a leg."

Alana gracefully stepped out onto the stage as the music began. She let her mind wonder to her family in the crowd and felt all her nerves disappear into thin air as her feet moved across the stage.

As gracefully as possible, she fell to the floor, signalling that the performance was finished. The auditorium was dead silent for a moment and she was worried she had messed up.

Claps and cheers sounded throughout the large building and Alana was unable to wipe the smile off her face as she stood up and curtsied before running off stage. She was greeted by Rebekah who welcomed her with open arms and an equally wide grin.

"You were amazing!" The pair pulled away from the hug. "Why don't you go get changed and then we can go celebrate. Everyone is waiting in the foyer."

"Give me ten minutes and I'll meet you out there."

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