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She played with her fingers in her lap nervously as she stared out of cab's tinted window at the crowded streets of New Orleans

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She played with her fingers in her lap nervously as she stared out of cab's tinted window at the crowded streets of New Orleans.

Alana Kingsley had spent the past few months searching for Elijah Mikaelson as per her late mother's request. But the task proved more difficult than she originally thought. Eventually, she turned to her grandmother, who had then explained the whole situation, for help.

The yellow cab slowly pulled to a stop outside a large old building. The young girl pulled money from her pocket and handed it to the driver, grabbing her duffel bag from the seat next to her and exiting the car.

The bag hung from her shoulder, gently rubbing against her thigh as she made her way towards the entrance. Her palms were sweating profusely by the time she made it to the front door, she wiped her palms on her jeans a final time before knocking loudly on the hard wood.

The door swung open to reveal a tall, beautiful blonde with what could only be described as a resting bitch face.

"Can I help you?" She raised an eyebrow impatiently.

"My name is Alana Kingsley, I've come from France – "

"Listen, Alana, I don't care how far you've come; whatever you're selling, we are not interested in buying," the woman moved to shut the door, only to have the teenager stick her foot in the way.

"I'm not selling anything. I'm looking for Elijah Mikaelson, I was told he lives here." Alana gave her a pleading look. "Do you know him?"

"What's it to you?"

"He is my father."

Rebekah could see the resemblance between her brother and the girl in front of her, they shared the same dark hair and sharp jawline. Despite their similitude, the blonde bombshell still struggled to believe the information she had just been told.

But she wasn't going to rule it as being impossible. She had been blessed with her young niece, after all.

"I suppose you better come inside then, hadn't you?" She swung the door open wider to let the young girl past.

Alana followed closely behind the blonde, feeling as though something might jump out at her at any given moment as they walked through the compound.

"Take a seat, I'll only be a moment," Rebekah gestured to a leather couch.

The teenager gingerly took a seat as she left, wiping her sweaty hands on her dark jeans before tucking her hair behind her ear once more.

The soft jazz that echoed throughout the abattoir was soon drowned out by Rebekah yelling for her brother who gave her a stern look at he joined her, quietly reminding her not to be so loud.

Elijah furrowed his brow as he silently followed his little sister into the room she had left the teenager claiming to be his daughter.

"Who's this?" He cocked an eyebrow as he looked the young girl up and down. There was something about her that seemed familiar to him.

"This is Elijah," Rebekah gestured to her brother who always wore a suit. "Go on, love. Don't be shy."

"My name is Alana Kingsley," she chewed on her bottom lip nervously. "I'm your daughter."

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