Henry x Abandoned Child Reader

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     You had been left on the step of some random door. Your mother had died giving birth to you, and your father couldn't take care of you anymore.Money was slim, he couldn't afford it. So he left you on someone's step with a note. He rang the doorbell then ran off. You were 4 years old. You cried, you loved your father, but he was only hoping the best for you.
    the door opened, and you saw a man. You looked up at him with your tear stained cheeks and teary eyes. You were terrified, because you didn't know this man at all. How could your father do this to you? You thought. The man had a warm expression, he didn't look to mean, he actually looked really nice..
     He knelt down to your height. "Where are you parents..?" He asked calmy. This made you cry more, remebering  your father. "M-my father left me here..." you sobbed. The man picked you up and carried you inside. He gave you a blanket and put you on the couch. He sat next to you.
      "So, what's your name? I'm Henry." He asked. "(Y/n).." you told him. He nodded. "How old are you..?" He asked. "4.." you replied. "Oh.. I'm assuming you need a home..?" Henry asked. You nodded shyly. "Well, I'm sure we can sort that out." He said with a smile. You looked up at him. "Really...?" You asked. "Yep!" His reply made you smile and you practicly jump hugged him.
      You repeated thank you over and over. He smiled. "Your welcome." He replied. "I can't belive I have  a new home!" You cheered. Henry just chuckled. He was obviously happy to have some company, and the happiness of a child around him. 

~A year later~

   Henry had given you a room, new clothes, toys, and love. You felt as if you were the happiest child alive. You and Henry were grocery shopping. You were holding his hand as you guys walked. That was when you saw someone familiar, your... original dad.. you gripped Henry's hand in fear. He saw who you were staring at. "Is that your father..?" He asked. You nodded. "Can we please leave..? Before he sees me... I don't want the memories to come back..." you pleaded. Henry then payed for the food, and you guys left as fast as possible.  "Thank you.. Dad." You said smiling. He smiled, you had never called him dad before. He kissed you on the forehead. "Your welcome, (Y/n)."

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