Getting Help on Wattpad

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This chapter honestly really annoyed me. I wanted to link everything of interest in wattpad, but I'm restricted in what I can do, which is frustrating. So instead, we're getting a slightly different chapter.

If you're an author, and you're using wattpad, I've often referred to many various things on the website, Getting critics. Getting editors. Posting. However, wattpad is stupidly convoluted in how it allows you to access these things, and there are many people, especially those prone to using the app, that really have no clue how to navigate the site.

How do you get a critic? How do you get an editor? How do you get a companion writer? Wait? You can find companion writers? What else can you do on Wattpad?

Well, the answers to most of these questions take place in the Community tab under Clubs, located here:

Well, the answers to most of these questions take place in the Community tab under Clubs, located here:

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Clubs isn't actually clubs. It's a messaging board. Why do they call it clubs instead of a messaging board? I have no clue. It's really stupid. I complain about it in depth in my chapter on five complaints about wattpad. However, after clicking that, on you right, you will see a list of 'clubs'. Clubs are really just forums. There are four specialty forums, and a wooping 20 genre specific (categories) forums.

If you click on the tab, you will enter the forum and see a list

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If you click on the tab, you will enter the forum and see a list. However, before you can do anything with that list, you need to become a member of the forum. To do that, you have to click that little tiny link that is really hard to see in the upper right. Not that one. This one:

 This one:

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