Cookie Mess

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Okay first off I need to start this chapter by saying omg 100 reads!! That's amazing, I know it's not a lot but you have to start somewhere and this story didn't even exist a week ago so I'm proud of those 100 reads. Okay now on to the chapter!

~Carlos POV~

"Carlos! I love you!" When he said that it felt like all the stars aligned perfectly. I just stared at him and a smile grew on my face. He loved me? He loved me! But wait, this doesn't make sense.

"When did you discover you loved me?" I asked him and his smile kinda fell, I'm guessing because I didn't say it back, but you could tell the question took him aback.

"Uhm I don't know, I guess it first came to thoughts earlier today after I finished talking to Mal." He said and my heart broke a little. He didn't love me, the potion is making him love me.

"Ben, can you give me some time to process everything?" I asked, trying to sound as polite as possible and he nodded his head.

"Take as long as you need." He said and he walked past me and walked away, but not before he stopped and kissed me on the cheek. I rushed into my room and I saw Jay sitting on his bed with a Magazine in his hands.

"Jay!!" I yelled and I ran over to his bed and jumped on him and started freaking out.

"What?!" He yelled obviously annoyed.

"The cookie worked! The cookie worked!" I yelled at him with worry in my voice.

"Okay and? That's a good thing right? Why are you freaking out?" He asks, annoyance still evident in his voice.

"Because he loves me and not Mal!" I yell and his head jolts towards me and his eyes go big.

"What do you mean he loves you and not Mal?"

"Exactly that! That's why he wanted to talk to me alone! He just told me he loved me!" I yelled and He bolted up and pulled me out of the door.

"Where are we going??" I ask, his hand still gripped firmly around my wrist.

"To talk to Mal and see what happened!" He responded.

~In the girl's room~

"He what?!" Mal yelled after hearing what Jay just told them and I kinda quiver into my seat.

"He loves me. Somehow the spell messed up and he fell for me instead of you!" I responded and she opened her spell book and flipped through it quickly, I guess she was looking for the cookie spell that we went by.

"Ugh, I'm not seeing anything in here that says the person who eats the cookie doesn't fall in love with the person they received it from." Mal groaned out and I took the book from her and started reading the page from top to bottom once again.

"So Carlos, you never told me who the girl you liked was," Evie said suddenly bringing the subject back up and I just chuckled under my breath.

"You like a girl??" Mal asked, seeming a little excited which surprised me because she's been all about the plan lately, it was weird to see her indulge in something different.

"Like I said before Evie, she doesn't exist," I said and Jay laughed a loud because he was the only one that I knew I was telling the truth.

"One of these days Mr. De Vil!" Evie said and I involuntarily flinched. I guess it was weird to hear someone call me Mr. De Vil. I didn't know why but maybe because it was a reminder that I would always be a villain kid. Maybe when I apologized to Ben for being a villain kid, I was being truthful, maybe I am disappointed that I was the son of Cruella De Vil.

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