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It was the night of the party and I planned on wearing my black mini dress and black velvet block heels.
I applied dark red lipstick on my lips. I liked it, because it reminded me of confidence.

I got inside my car and drove off to Nicole's house, which was big enough for frat boys to live. She was loaded, not that I cared, but her parents really did like to show off. For example - All of their furniture and art is labelled with their artists, where it was manifactured and its prices.

It was rather weird if you ask me.

As I stepped inside the house, the familiar smell and sight of alcohol,smoke and puking,dancing hormonal teenagers came into sight.

Don't I love high school parties. I snorted at myself.

Of course you do!!!! I grinned at that, I did enjoy looking at how idiotic people behaved when they were drunk as hell.

"You've finally gone insane! Laughing at yourself and all. Oh,oh, or are you talking to Harry Potter, wearing the cloak of invisibility?! Tell him I say hi !" Jack waved his hand to no one in particular, probably imagining Daniel Radcliffe with his wand and all.

Harry Potter fans, I tell you!

I shook my head, laughing at his drunk state,  and walked away , hearing the muffled sounds of  protest coming from a very drunk Jack.

Jack and I were friends and we often teased each other. It was mostly me annoying the crap out of him and him trying to have a better ' come back ' but always failing .

I ignored the dirty looks thrown my way from the girls who hated me  and boys giving me lustful looks which was making me slightly uncomfortable.

You can do this. You can fake it again.

I spotted the one person I like talking to.

"Hey Robin, How you doin?" I tried mimicking Joey from F.r.i.e.n.d.s 
He instantly laughed and I laughed loudly as well. It was our thing. We would flirt with each other and sometimes use F.r.i .r.e.n.d.s.  references because we absolutely loved that show.

"Well hello to you too, Regina Phalange." He chuckled and I smirked.

He was good .

I heard someone clear their throat. I snapped my head towards the direction of the interrupter.

As soon as I turned to him, my breath hitched.

I never expected myself to lose my calm and act this way, because nothing had made me as breathless than the intensity of his gaze.

There stood a tall man with dark grey eyes, messy brown hair and a serious expression on his face.

His eyes reminded me of her , the girl I saw with Ashton in the cafeteria. Their eyes resembled, but the emotion were two worlds apart.

Her held innocence, his held..mystery?

I had instant mixed emotions towards him. I had never seen him before . So he must be the new guy at school everyone had been talking about ...

"I..I..- I'll go now. Bye Robin." I stammered and  forced a smile at him and he genuinely smiled back.

I felt guilty. It was always a fake smile that I gave to people, rarely a real one.

The rest of the party was a blur, spending the time with Miranda and Nicole as well as some more popular kids. It sucked honestly. All they did was get drunk, the kind of drunk which you would regret about the next day when you get a killer headache, and  played truth and dare, to find reasons and excuses to hook up with people and kiss random people. 

In the middle of the game, I got bored and went out to the front yard to  have some fresh air.

Bad idea.

A very bad idea.

Because there I saw Ashton. Not alone but with the black haired so called 'nerd' . They weren't just looking at each other intensely. They seemed to be making love with their eyes.

The longer they glanced at each other and didn't seem to notice me, the more hurt I felt.

They seemed to really like each other. But who would understand the brat who loved a boy, anyway.

He, who would not even be civil with her, liking me back was a long way to go.

In that moment I realised I loved him.

I never lost him, because he was never mine.

As soon as their breaths clashed against each other and their lips brushed, I was a gone girl.

He kissed her, so sweetly, so lovingly, like he had never kissed me before.

Like he was kissing a beautiful sunflower, like he was kissing the gentle waves of an isolated beach.

When we had the unusual relationship, he roughly kissed me,as if he was taking out his frustration on me.

At that time I only felt like a wilting rose, when he kissed me harshly, as a result of all the thorns I grew, which pricked him.

The passion between them was evident and as much as I wanted to rip them apart at that moment, I knew I couldn't , even though people expected it out of me.

Even though I had the licence to destroy her, as the bitch of the school, but they just looked so perfect , I couldn't possibly be the one who would interrupt them .

I would though, later on, like any other cliché romance novel. I would be the 'bitch' who is the bump in the road of their perfect love story.

For now I'd just go and get laid to fill up the hole in my body. I liked sex. It made me feel confident and wanted.


The unleashed tigress will be back with a plan.

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