Chapter Two: Bitter Sweet Conversations

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I walked cheerfully towards my locker, swinging it open without any trouble or worry and picking up my books for my next two periods.
"You certainly look happy..." Jimin says, leaning on one shoulder against the locker beside me. To say I'm 'happy' is a massive understatement...I am over the goddamn moon! Not even the rabbits living there could be happier than me!

"I most certainly am!" I exclaim, closing my locker with a massive smile. Jimin tilts his head and raises a quizzical eyebrow, his eyes narrow in suspicion.
"It's strange...normally you wouldn't be here at your locker. In fact, at this time you'd most likely be hiding somewhere avoiding Namjoon. Also, your clothes wouldn't be as neat as they are, they'd be crinkled and occasionally very dirty. Your glasses look the same as they were four days ago, which brings me to this point; why hasn't a Namjoon bring beating you up? He hadn't laid a single finger on your head, when he sees you in hallways he goes the other way...why is that Seokjin?" He questions me, crossing his arms and staring at me intensely.

To be honest I couldn't really answer that myself, after our ' spark-igniting situation he has been avoiding me at all costs. There have been many occasions during this four-day period that my chest has lit up randomly, and it quickly disappears. To be brutally honest I couldn't care less about it. It means nothing to me and if anything it's done me a favour, I don't get bullied! The fact that this four-day period is the only time I haven't been bullied is astonishing, it's like I'm living my life like a normal school student.
"I'm not sure, maybe he has a new victim" I suggest shrugging my shoulders.
"I doubt that," he said, "something happened and I'm going to find out! Whether you like it or not."
"I don't even care if you do. I'm being one hundred per cent honest." I say, turning around and walking to our class. He follows closely, looming near my face as if it would tell him everything he needs to know. He suddenly grabs me by my shoulder and spins me around.

"Kim Seokjin! Tell me what the hell is going on this instant!" He demanded, narrowing his eyes threateningly.
"Park Jimin! It's nothing, it just turns out that Namjoon is my soulmate-"
"-he's your what!?" He screams loudly. I cover his mouth swiftly, awkwardly smiling at the two teachers staring at us.
"Shut the hell up Jimin or I'm not giving you half of my lunch!"
"You eat half of my lunch! You never let me touch your food!" He said outraged, "besides that's not the problem! Why are you so casual about all this? When did it happen? Where-"

"Jimin....just breath-"
"-I can't just breathe! He hurt you and he turns out to be your soulmate!"
"Look, doesn't matter. I'm not taking this seriously."
"Good! Y-you better not!" He stuttered, and I raised an eyebrow.
"Something wrong Jimin?" I ask him, his face goes beet red. He shakes his head furiously whilst saying 'no' a million times.
"I don't want hyung to get hurt.." He mumbled, looking away. I chuckle slightly, Jimin has such a strong demeanour but deep down his a soft gentle boy. I ruffle his hair happily, grateful that he only wants to best for me.


The day passes by with no problem or worry. I walk back to my locker to collect my book for my last period, I check the hallway to see it's completely deserted. I open my locker and quickly gather my belongings, as I shut it I make eye contact with Namjoon. I scream loudly, throwing my things in the air as he jumps back in surprise.
"Don't do that! You'll give people heart attacks!" I yell, grabbing my heart and crouching down to gather my things. He composes himself, swiftly yanking me upwards by my arm and dragging me away from my things scattered on the floor.
"Hey! Let go!" I exclaim, trying to escape his grip.
"Shut up"
I froze, where is he taking me!? Is he going to kill me? Oh no...and I didn't even get to eat a proper meal!

He dragged the both of us up a flight of stairs towards the rooftop...oh no he's going to push me off the roof! He's going to make it look like a suicide! He looked down at me and seemed to be reading my thoughts.
"I'm not going to kill you. I just want to talk."
He opened the door, as the wind gust almost blew me backwards. He let go of my arm and beckoned me to follow, we both stood behind a large air vent.
"W-what would you li-like to talk about?" I stuttered, looking around to see this place completely deserted. Great. If he tries to kill me no one can save me!
"This," He said, surprisingly, softly, pointing at his glowing chest. I looked down at my own and sure enough, my chest was vividly glowing.

"What about it?" I asked bluntly, "are you concerned about it? I'm not"
We started at each other for a while, he looked like he wanted to snap my neck so I decided to take a small step backwards.
"You idiot! Don't you know what this means?" He asked me pulling at his hair in frustration.
"You don't actually believe it, do you?" I said raising an eyebrow. Shut up Jin! Do you have a death wish?
"WELL THEN WHY IS IT HAPPENING!?" He yelled, throwing his arms up in the air. I shrug carelessly, clutching the hem of my shirt with slight confidence.
"Look Namjoon, no hard feelings or anything but this," I say indicating my glowing chest, "really means nothing. Remember I'm the useless piece of trash, so why should this mean anything to you?"
I stare into his eyes, trying to read his expression but he had a poker face. I find this unknown confidence inside myself, I stand more confidently.
"I'm trying to have a serious conversation with you!"
"Well, I'm trying to avoid it!" I retort. It remains silent for a while, both of us looking down at the ground as the wind passes by gently.

"Look Seokjin, I think we should maybe just...consider this-"
"-Consider what? That our 'sparks are igniting', I don't want to be rude but there is no way this is going to work. For one thing, you're my bully, you're also the most popular guy in school and you attract all the girls, also your not gay. As for me, I'm by far the smartest kid in the school and no offence but I'm defiantly more attractive...I just happen to attract guys for some reason since I'm actually gay."
"Well look if you're so smart, you'd know that this spark igniting is quite important. Our social status doesn't mean anything, I've already said I'm willing to put these differences aside and work things out."

I stare at him blankly.

"Why are you being so stubborn!?" Namjoon exclaimed.
"Because I've already told you! You're my bully, this isn't a romance novel where I'll suddenly fall in love with you just because fate decided it! Don't you remember yesterday- no wait make that two years! You've pushed me down when I've been the most vulnerable, hurt me when I already wear scars...this is reality Namjoon, if you want something you've got to work for it." I gripped my bag confidently and walked away, leaving Namjoon dumbfounded.

"Boom! I bet you thought you could just get me to do what you want because you're the 'dominant' one, well not today bitch, not today!"

I yell over my shoulder, giving a small wave. I smile from ear to it feels great to have authority over him.



DNA came out today!!! I was screaming my head off it was amazing! So I decided to update this as quickly as I could. I've listened to their entire album and I'm in love with it.

Anyway sorry, this chapter is pretty boring though.

See you next chapter!

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