Chapter Twelve: Mario Kart winners

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Hello! We are back to Seokjin's POV for the next few chapters!

"You keep pushing me off a cliff! Stop throwing shells at me!" Namjoon yells, letting out a frustrated scream.
"Correction, you keep falling down the cliff on your own" Jungkook says.
"Yeah! We only pushed you off ten times beforehand!" Jimin says, holding a hand to his chest in mocking outrage.
"Only ten times!?" Namjoon shoots a glare.
"You are taking too long. What are we supposed to do? Politely wait for the God of destruction?" Hoseok points out, smirking.
"Yes, that would be nice!"
"But why be nice when pushing you off is much easier?" Taehyung added.
"Damnit! Yoongi hyung! Why'd you put the banana peel there!?" Namjoon cried.
"You're meant to dodge the banana idiot, I never instructed you to drive into it"

We all continue to scream and shout at one another, laughing loudly and enjoying ourselves forgetting our past. I laugh loudly as I throw a shell at Hoseok before overtaking him at the finish line. He screams, throwing his body into the couch as he has a fit.
"That's not fair!" He yells as we all watch him laughing.
"Win or lose, does it really matter? At the end of the day I have this face, so who is the real winner here?" I put my hands to my face, winking at everyone.
"BOOOOO! YOU SUCK!" Jungkook screams throwing popcorn at me.
"Yeah! Get him!" Jimin screams tackling me to the ground, with Taehyung jumping on top of them.
"Ouch! Get off me, you idiots! My face!" I screech, laughing loudly as they all tackle me. The four of us roll around on the floor as I try to get them off me.

The four of collapse onto the floor laughing, just like old times. I look to my side and see Jimin's crescent smile as he cuddles to Jungkook and Taehyung. We all sit upwards looking back at the other three who stare at us, not knowing what to do.
"Sorry" I apologise, feeling slightly embarrassed. Then again, if Namjoon wanted to make this work, he'd have to get used to this.
"You guys are weird" Yoongi states, Jimin shoots him a glare.
"We know how to have fun, something you've probably never experienced"
"I've had my share of fun, one of these days I'll show you what fun really is" Yoongi winks, Jimin turns bright red.
"Shut up you sicko"
"Ew, Yoongi hyung what's gotten into you?" Hoseok exclaims.
"Jimin here is-"
"-shut up Yoongi before I make you"
"How you gonna do that bubbles?"
"Stabbing you in the throat, and stop calling me bubbles!"
"Why should I?"
"Oh god it's starting again" Taehyung sighs,
"Oh lawd he coming"
"Again with the memes Jungkook"
"What? It's funny, I love fat cats"
"Cats shouldn't be fat, it's bad for them" Yoongi says.
"But they're chonky, you shouldn't body shame cats hyung"

"What is this" I ask pointing between the two groups.
"Well when we we're planning this, Jimin and Yoongi kept butting heads." Taehyung tells me, "I don't know what their problem is"
"He's the problem!" Jimin screeches.
"Gees calm down bubbles-"
"Make me"
Jimin launches form the floor onto Yoongi, tackling him onto the couch. Hoseok screeches as he jumps from his spot next to Yoongi and Namjoon just falls off the couch.
"I'm going to kill you! You stupid cat looking bitch!" Jimin yells, pathetically whacking him.
"Well I can't say I don't like this view"

I finally get up once Jimin starts whacking Yoongi, grabbing him by his waist and picking him up from Yoongi.
"Okay, that's enough. We don't hit people"
"Oh yeah, when he's done it to you for all of highschool!" Jimin yells, wiggling out of my grip, I notice his eyes are glassy.
"I can't do this! I can't be around him!" He points at Yoongi, "this isn't what I wanted"
Tears start to fall from his eyes, taken everyone aback.
"What do you mean Jimin?" Taehyung stands up, now going to embrace the smaller. He doesn't reply, just sniffles and wipes his eyes.

"We're soulmates" Yoongi whispers, we all remain silent, apart from Jimins sniffles.
"What now?"
"Soulmate Jungkook, we are soulmates" Yoongi snaps.
"When did you know?" Hoseok asks, now shifting uncomfortably.
"A couple weeks ago, a bit before Namjoon found out Seokjin hyung was his soulmate" Yoongi says, now looking at Jimin, he stands up abruptly walking to Jimin.
"If it's so bad for you to be destined to be with me, fine. I don't need this childish behaviour. We can cut ties. You can get what you want."
He walks past him, now heading for the door.
"Thanks for the invite" he says nonchalantly, before slamming the door behind him. The room swarms into an uncomfortable tension, with no one knowing what to say.
"I'm sorry, I ruined your party hyung" Jimin starts to cry again, Taehyung hugging him tighter.
"No you didn't, you've been keeping your frustrations in for so long, it had to come out" I reassure him, now going over to hug him too.
"Jimin, I know you don't trust Yoongi hyung or me for that matter, but he's not a bad person-"
"-right, he's an angel"

"Yoongi has gone through things, he's suffered, I know he comes off as cold and mean but he's actually one of the kindest and passionate people I've ever met. He just has this facade to protect himself. I know what we've done has hurt you, has hurt Seokjin hyung and Jungkook and Taehyung. And for that, I apologise. I know I may never be able to fix that, I can try to be better from this day forth. I know you don't owe us anything, but try to get to know Yoongi hyung" Namjoon finishes, I smile at him a little, feeling a warm feeling with his words. Inspirational guy.

Jimin doesn't answer, just nods. After a while we all say our farewells, Jimin and Jungkook walking home together (they live a few minutes from Taehyung) and Hoseok and Namjoon getting a lift from Hoseok's older sister.
"Bye hyung! See you at school" Hoseok hugs me, giving me a bright smile.
"Bye Hoseok, thanks for coming"
"Bye Sunshine!" Taehyung yells out, Hoseok shyly smiles, waving at Taehyung.
Namjoon steps up to me, rubbing his nape.
"Uh, this is bye I guess. I mean not bye forever, just bye for now"
"I know Namjoon" I laugh at him, we both look at each other for a while, not knowing if we should hug or not. I think, screw it, he should be grateful to get a hug from world wide handsome. I hug him around his waist, his body stiffens, but slowly he engulfs me. Holding me close, I feel a sudden wave of warmth, feeling content in his hold. We hold each other for a few more minutes, before I reluctantly let go.
"Bye Namjoon"
"Goodbye Seokjin"

He smiles at me, showing off his adorable dimples before he exits the apartment. I feel tingles it's throughout my body. I sleep that night feeling the best I have in a while, forgetting all the problems that I had just faced. I smile to myself as I roll onto my back, letting sleep take over.


I hope 2023 treats you all well! Thank you for reading this book, I'm very grateful you've stuck through it! Next chapter, Namjoon is gonna finally ask him out on a date!

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