glad you came [isaac lahey]

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Golden. Yellow. Glowing. Isaac's usual ocean blue eyes had transformed into terrifyingly different ones, a fiercely bright yellow that pierced whatever came into his view. Y/N felt her stomach drop as she took in the boy's transformation, a look similar to that of a..werewolf? She shook her head, blinking furiously in an attempt to wipe away the view of his eyes. Still, they remained glowing and yellow. Isaac himself seemed to be completely fueled by a sudden rage, sparked by only a simple sarcastic comment added by Stiles. He found the spastic boy irritating, sure, but never so much that he'd lose all self control.

"Isaac?" Scott's voice was concerned, his worry on a much deeper level than even Y/N's. She was just confused. "Isaac, come on, we gotta leave." He slung an arm around the angered boy, supporting him as they hurried down the hallway. Stiles quickly followed, his expression incredibly worried, too.

"What the hell is going on?" Y/N couldn't hide the unavoidable fear in her voice as she stumbled over to the three boys. "Isaac?" She repeated his name multiple times, all responded to with a low growl. She got a brief glance of Isaac's transformation, the sweat dripping from his forehead as his features distorted. Sharp claws grew from his fingers, ones that he quickly embedded into his palms. Blood dripped onto the floor, leaving small puddles behind him.

All the color drained from Y/N's face, and her breathing was fast and ragged. "What's going on?" She demanded, her voice resulting in a scared whimper more than a firm, insistent order. Her legs felt like jelly beneath her, and she feared they'd buckle if she stayed standing any longer. A pained yell, almost animalistic could be heard from Isaac's direction, causing Y/N's blood to run cold as ice. Giving in to the strong instincts that threatened to control her limbs, she ran, or rather-stumbled, out of the school. Her locker was left swinging aimlessly as she ran as fast as possible.

Tears ran down Y/N's face, hot and constant. Her knowledge of the 'supernatural' had now reached an all time confusion level. Scott had tried, Stiles had tried, Lydia had tried. Hell, even Allison had tried to explain the complete mess of the situation. Nothing worked and Y/N avoided her friends at all costs. Not even to mention Isaac, who she hadn't spoken to since the day it happened. She was, ultimately, terrified. Before now, she'd believed werewolves belonged in fairytales and horror stories. In fantasies, not cold hard reality. The fact that her boyfriend supposedly was one just scared her further.

The sudden tapping on Y/N's window awoke her from her 'wallowing in self pity' state, and she waited a few seconds to see if the tapping would repeat. When it did, only this time a more insistent pounding, she started edging towards her window. It was only as she caught a brief reflection of herself as she passed her mirror that Y/N quickly wiped away the tears that graced her cheeks.

"Isaac?" She yelped in surprise as her boyfriend was visibly trying to climb through her window. Lifting the latch and opening it, she watched with wide eyes as he landed on her carpet with a great thud. a light laugh escaped from her lips before she could prevent it, and Isaac gave her a winning smile as he slowly got up. His blonde curls were ruffled, and Y/N felt a sudden urge to run her fingers through them like she usually would. "What are you doing here?" She questioned, quickly remembering the situation.

He stood tall and awkward, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "I came to talk to you about.." Y/N folded her arms and pursed her lips, a sudden rush of anger running through her. "About how you lied to me?" She suggested. He tilted his head awkwardly, struggling to find words. "Look, Y/N, there's no excuse for that. I just want to-" "To explain to me what all this is? Why the hell you turned into some kind of..animal? Because please, go ahead. I'm all ears." She ranted, her words making Isaac wince. "You have every right to be angry. If you'd just try to understand.." He started, avoiding her gaze. Y/N opened her mouth to retort, but paused as he reached out to take her hand. "That I love you, and I didn't tell you about it because I thought I was keeping you safe. I'm sorry."

His words silenced Y/N, and the two conversed for a while with just their eyes. She gently squeezed his hand and allowed a slight smile to cross her features. "I wish you'd told me sooner, but I get it." She eventually said, encouraging a wider smile from Isaac. He leaned in and placed a soft, hesitant kiss onto her lips. In response to his action, she led him towards the bed. The two of them sat on the edge, Isaac's arm wrapped around Y/N's waist. "Can I.. Can I see your eyes?" She said finally, clasping and unclasping her hands nervously. Isaac looked taken aback for a moment, but nodded slowly.

He turned to face her, catching her gaze before closing his blue eyes. Y/N breathed out slowly, preparing herself for the sight that had previously scared her to death. His eyes opened, the eyelashes that framed them fluttering hesitantly. They were golden yellow, the same as she'd seen that day, but they didn't scare her anymore. They were unnatural, different, but Y/N knew deep down that they were still Isaac's eyes.

She watched him, fascinated, and found herself tracing the curve of his cheekbone, the cupid's bow of his top lip. Exploring every inch of his face, his body. He responded by leaning in and matching his lips to hers. Their kiss deepened, the two of them melting against each other's touch.

He held her face in his hands, and hers were tangled in the curls of his hair. "Did I say I love you too?" Y/N said, her voice muffled as he quickly pressed his lips to hers again. She could feel the corners of his mouth lift as he smiled into the kiss, his eyes visibly crinkling with happiness. "And Isaac?" Y/N added, pulling away from him by a few inches. "Yes?" She planted one last kiss on his cheek, grinning when the area grew pink after her lips left it. He looked down, attempting to hide the blush. "I'm glad you came." 

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