safe [isaac lahey]

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If somebody had told Y/N that in just an hours time,  she would be feeling Isaac Lahey's soft blonde curls between her fingers, his lips just inches away from her own, she would have laughed in your face. You see, Isaac and her did not get along. At all. It was more the boy not liking her, and every time upon seeing her he would snub her, quickly head off to class or shoot a menacing glare her way. 

It didn't help the situation that she was beginning to develop feelings for Isaac, and was starting to notice things about him that encouraged a blush to creep across her skin, making her brief conversations with him all the more awkward. 

In those kind of situations, it was a big problem for Y/N that all her friends had some kind of supernatural abilities, enabling them to hear her heartbeat go through the roof whenever Isaac entered the room. Except for Stiles of course, but he made it pretty clear he could tell she had a crush on Isaac. 

So when the two of them found themselves locked together in the janitor's supply closet in school, Y/N's first reaction was to silently freak out because she was in a small space, secluded and alone-with Isaac Lahey. "What the hell?" The boy exclaimed, pushing forcefully against the door. 

"I think-I think there's something against it, maybe?" She suggested, noticing that he was becoming increasingly flustered. "Thank you for that, Y/N." He replied dryly, his voice full of anger. She wrapped her arms around herself protectively, confused as to why he seemed to despise her so much. 

"Isaac, are you okay?" She asked tentatively, her concern for the boy rising as he furiously pounded the door to no avail. "I'm fine." He told her, repeating the two words frequently as some sort of mantra. She gently placed a hand on his shoulder as his breathing became fast and ragged, still trying to mumble the words; "I'm fine," to himself. 

"Isaac..?" She started, briefly remembering how to help someone having a panic attack from her SPHE lessons. "Isaac, you need to breathe." She told him firmly, rubbing small circle motions onto his back. He shook his head violently, his breathing becoming even heavier at her words. "I c- I can't.." He mumbled, his voice edged with desperation. 

"I need you to take a deep breath in, hold it, and breathe out slowly. Can you do that for me?" His entire body started to shake as he breathed in, releasing it with similar shakiness. He dropped to the floor, sweat visibly dripping from his forehead. "I can't.. I need to get out-" He tried to say, his ocean blue eyes wide with panic. 

Y/N kneeled next to him, squeezing his hand. "Isaac-" His eyes darted around the room, as if blind to her sitting right there. "I have to get out." He cried, his eyes beginning to flash orange. Y/N's stomach somersaulted, she needed to stop him from transforming, to calm him down. 

His eyes finally focused on hers, his bottom lip trembling. She felt relieved that she'd gotten his attention, but that brief feeling was diminished when his ocean blue orbs clouded over-and she realized he was looking through her. "D-Dad?" His voice was unsteady, his hand twitching and shaking in hers. Y/N felt her stomach drop, her heart shattering into a million pieces at the mention of Isaac's cruel father. 

She'd never been told by him personally about his dad, but she knew from the way he reacted whenever the man was brought up and the looks shared between the rest of the pack that he was abusive towards Isaac. 

"No, Isaac, listen to me. Your dad's not here, I promise. You're away from him-you're safe." She told him, brushing away the tears that began to fall from his eyes. "You're with me, he can't hurt you anymore." She continued, her eyes locked onto his. His breathing began to slow, beads of sweat forming on his brow as he concentrated on calming down. 

She held his hand the whole time, whispering encouraging words. "Thank you, Y/N." He managed to choke out, his voice quiet. She bit her lip, the thought that she'd just been acting like a supportive girlfriend to someone who supposedly hated her finally crossing her mind. "I mean it." He added, giving her a weak smile that was enough to set her heart racing. 

They stayed sitting there for minutes on end, exchanging secret glances when the other wasn't looking, until the door suddenly flung open. Both Isaac and Y/N jumped up with a start, they'd almost forgotten about being locked in the janitor's closet due to each other's company. 

Scott Mccall piled into the storeroom, shooting his sister a worried look. "Y/N? Are you okay?" He asked anxiously. She nodded, glancing one last time at Isaac for reassurance. "We're both fine." She told Scott. "More than fine, actually." Isaac added, surprising Y/N with his words. Scott raised an eyebrow, a small smirk forming on his lips as he left the two of them be. 

"Isaac, was that a one time thing, or..?" Y/N asked him as they left the closet, breaking the short silence between them. He shook his head, running a hand through his blonde curls. "No, I've had it for a while now. My dad-" he paused, sighing. "My dad used to lock me in the freezer as a punishment, and it just led to this.." He smiled sadly, gesturing towards the now closed closet.

She nodded, her heart breaking for the boy. "I couldn't imagine what it's like for y-" she began, her words cutting off at the last second. "You don't need to." He assured her, reaching for her hand as they walked and gripping it tightly. 

They didn't exchange another word for a few moments, the silence making Y/N feel uncomfortable with unanswered questions. "Do you hate me?" She blurted out, quickly wanting to take back her words as she spoke them. He stopped in his tracks, shaking his head. "I could never hate you, Y/N." He reassured her, the look in his eyes telling her he was shocked she could think that way. 

"Then why do you act like it?" She persisted, all the memories of the past year or so coming back in a flurry of hurt. "Why do you ignore me whenever I speak in school, acting like I'm not even there?" He bit his lip. "Y/N, I.." He tried to say, but she wasn't done. "Why is it that you seem to despise me so much, you can't stand the thought of even being around me-up until now?" She demanded. 

Isaac rolled his eyes, releasing her hand and instead folding his arms. "Maybe if you'd let me answer you, Y/N, you'd understand." She opened and closed her mouth like a goldfish, an action that forced Isaac to try and hold back laughter. "Go on then, Lahey." Was all she could reply with. 

"I've had the biggest crush on you for years, Y/N. I know it's a lame excuse to make, but every time I ignore you, run off to class? It's simply because I don't know how to deal with my feelings. I grew up with only hate and anger as an emotional example, so anything beyond that terrifies me. The way I feel about you, it really, really scared me. It was only today that I realized it's also an amazing thing, and I definitely don't deserve you. But, if maybe, you feel the same way, perhaps-we could make it work?" Once Isaac had finished his mini speech, Y/N was left quiet. 

"Of course I like you back, you utter doofus." She finally replied, flinging her arms around his neck. He responded with a smile wider than she'd ever seen before on his face, and he struggled to find words. He eventually giggled awkwardly, his eyes shining with happiness. She leaned over and kissed him lightly on the cheek, a simple action that left Isaac's cheeks pink. 

"You don't even know how long I've been waiting to do this," she grinned, this time leaning in and planting a tender kiss onto his lips.


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