Chapter 1 - Home Bound ✔️

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 Home, they say that home is where the heart is. How can we be happy about finally going home, when one of our own isn't coming home with us. Losing family is never easy. We gained our freedom at the expense of the life of one of our own. Gisele's death left us all reeling. We had hopes that she would be alive when we found her. Han had hope . . . and that hope was blown away when they found her. She landed rough, hit her head. The medical examiner said it was quick, and hopefully, Han finds solace in that.

For Gisele's funeral, we flew to Tel Aviv, Han told her it was her favorite place. We didn't have a ceremony, just our family there to say goodbye and pay our respects to our fallen sister. She had spoken of this little town to me a few times, the different places where she honed her talents and became the badass woman that we knew and loved. Her wish was to be cremated and have her ashes strewn across the Neve Midbar beach and we did what we could to honor that. We all dressed comfortably and warm since it was drizzling.

Mia and I cried our eyes out, I had grown close to Gisele and so had Mia

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Mia and I cried our eyes out, I had grown close to Gisele and so had Mia. She was like another sister to me, we bonded over idiots and weapons and men and how to make the most of all of those things. The three of us along with Cara were the brains of our crew and the pretty faces. It was an inside joke we used to make in Brazil, I still . . . I still can't believe that she's gone.

My heart breaks a little more every time I look at Han, all of our hearts do. The man is a mess and I don't blame him. He lost his love, the woman who understood and accepted him for who he was, faults and all. She understood him in a way that no normal woman ever could. I know what that feels like.

Mia, Letty, Cara, and I remained back on the cliff where we came to do the deed, leaving the guys to flank Han. Dom, Brian, Roman, and Tej stood on either side of him to give him strength. A wall of comfort, love, support, brotherhood, and family. The men stood there and together, all of us gave him the will to let go, and do it peacefully.

I walked from the girls for a second, I need to breathe, and I stood there looking at the picture we made. The guys created a wall of brotherhood and support; Roman, Brian, Han, Dom, and Tej just standing there overlooking the ocean while Gisele's ashes blew away. Mia, Cara, and Letty all stood together next to the cars, giving the guys privacy to help Han.

This here is family - family saying final goodbyes to a loved one. Another wonderful female spirit is gone too fast, it reminds me that the world can be a very cruel and sad place sometimes. Cara walked over to me and I can see the tears that haven't been shed along with the ones that are already falling. I know her better than the rest of the team does, I can see the pain in her eyes. She still has feelings for Han so she's hurting over his pain.

"There go our men being good brothers." I said as we walked back over to Mia and Letty, fingers laced together.

"I wish there was something more that we can do." Mia sighed.

"The only thing we can do is be there for him. He's lost his way and it'll take him a little while to find himself again, this isn't something easy to come back from. We'll be there until he doesn't need us, even then he'll know that he can count on us." Cara said.

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