Chapter 8: Kryptonite

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Hey guys really quick Author's note but it is super important so please read!!!!

So there are a few things I need to know from you guys to help improve my story:

1. Team Antonio or Matias?

2. What do you think could be improved on for the story? 

4. Who do you see playing Aimee, Matias, Antonio, Kat,  and the rest of the characters?

5. What do you want me to explain more? 

So there are some question I need you guys to answer when you finish reading this chapter! Also if you guys could vote, share, comment and critize my story that would be great (: 



Antonio's POV:

Pulling Aimee into my arms I hold her close despite the pain from my stiches.

"Aimee its the gang. My father is after you and you're in danger. We need a plan," I whisper holding her.

"If he wants a fight, well now he's got one. He hasn't seen me crazy yet," she smiles softly.

"You're gonna some 'em what little girls are made of?" I ask.

"Gunpowder and lead," she grinned recalling her one of her favorite songs.  


Chapter 8: Kyrptonite

Aimee's POV: 

I am more of a threat dead than I am alive. I've made sure I am for the past few years. After Antonio gave his last goodbye I spent my time with his adoptive brother James. James was two years older than me and in the gang, the only difference between him and Toni was that James didn't go back like Toni did. Throughout my time with James he taught me many things, but the most important was saving everything. 

"Save every conversation you have. Save it all and store them in different places. Burn every word you hear or read into memory. Be good so if something happens to you everyone will be shocked and go looking for answers. Make sure they will be able to find everything if something happens." 

That's exactly what I did, every online conversation saved and hidden in so many folders it takes an hour just to get to it. Infortmation saved on three different computers and an iPod. I burned every detail I could into my memory. James taught me how to improve my word games and soon I had him telling me infortmation he didn't even realize he knew. For hours I was drilled on word games, some nights so much that I went to school the next day challanging teachers and winning. You could say that word games came as easy as breathing to me, like a second nature. 

It became so habitual that I was playing word games in the little time I slept. Slowly, but surely, James and I became inseperable both of us having lost someone who meant so much to us. We'd share stories and laugh together. As the months passed and new problems made themselves known James and I faced them head on and overcame them together. James and I were a team, we had each other's backs. As Kat began to grow and we talked about good times less and less, guilt began to attach itself to me. 

I felt guilty for Kat being father-less, if I hadn't made Antonio promise to see me one day then he wouldn't have been on that road, he wouldn't have gotten hit and he wouldn't have died. If I hadn't been a bitch to him he wouldn't have worried so much. I voiced my guilt to James and soon James and I couldn't have a conversation without fighting. We kept everything bottled up inside and let everyone else complain about their problems and feelings, while we just sat and listened. Once we started fighting it was like everything we kept inside came out. The fights were brutal with name calling, blaming, and cursing. 

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