Chapter 5: How To Save A Life

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Authors Note:

Now I know you all believe Antonio and Kat is what Aimee's past is. Now how can Antonio and Aimee's relationship caused her to spiral into depression? Well it's not the only thing my dear readers. Oh no. There is much much more. Get ready for this bumpy ride!



Aimee's POV

"Anontio stop!" I shrieked and ran over trying to grab Antonio's arm to stop him. 

Next thing I knew there was a soaring pain in my stomach as I flew backwards into the ball rack. The rack shook and the balls moved around, somewhere I heard Jill gasp in horror. I heard the bang and I couldn't realize why Jill gasped. Then I felt the pain in my left hand and looked down at it. It was bright red and was swelling rather quickly and so were the bruises as they appeared. I looked around for what had happened when I spotted the fourteen pound bowling ball Jill had pushed off my hand beside her. Jill's eyes were filled with worry as she was talking to me, but I heard nothing. I was too busy focusing on Matias pushing Antonio away and looking at me with horror and worry.  If it weren't for the pain and wanting this whole thing to blow over I'd be up and trying to kill Antonio. As the song goes "Heaven help the fool who did her wrong." 


Chapter 5: How To Save A Life

Matias's POV

That bastard! Interrupting my first kiss with my mate! One minute I'm in pure heaven as Aimee warms up to me and kissed me back with those sweet cotton candy glossed lips. I was struggling just to keep my wolf down and not claim her in front of everyone.  Instead I would settle and calm my wolf by deeping the kiss, but first I had to make sure that she was willing to allow me to. I gently tugged on her lower lip with my teeth making sure not to hurt her. Just as she was about to allow me access I noticed Antonio out of the corner charging towards us. I measure his movements and notice if I don't move over he'll take down both Aimee and I. I move over ever so slightly so he takes me down instead of both Aimee and I. I feel his fist come in contact with my face twice and I hear Aimee's gasp.

"Antonio stop!" my angel shrieks and I hear his bowling shoes hitting the ground.

It all happended so fast I barely had time to register what had happened. Antonio tried shaking Aimee off, but when that didn't work he elbowed her in the stomach. He elbowed her way to hard and Aimee stumbled back falling over a bowling bag. My eyes staying locked on her figure as Antonio continued to punch the living crap out of me, she slammed backwards into a ball rack and her eyes fluttered. A thirteen pound ball fell from the rack and I watched in horror as it smashed right on to her left hand. Her writing hand! One of the girls Jill gasped out running to Aimee's side as Antonio stopped punching me. I looked up at him through narrowed eyes my wolf struggling to get to the surface to kill him.

"I know what you are mutt and if you dare come near Aimee, befriend her, try to get close to her, hell if you even think about thinking about her I will hunt you down like the dog you are and kill you. " Antonio whispered harshly.

"Look at what you did ass! You hurt her!" I snapped and pushed him off roughly.

I get up and head towards Aimee dread filling me, seeing her eyes close, as Jace and Nick come running. They set down Kat and get to Aimee before I do. Jace is trying to wake Aimee up when his face pales and he looks at Nick.

"Damn it Aimee!" Nick yells. "You promised!"

My wolf growls at that. How dare someone talk to our mate like that!!

"Am. Am, come on love wake up. Open your eyes, think of Trey and Kat and the boys. Think of Tracey and your parents! What will they do? You promised to eat and drink! Why would you do this?" Jace pleaded and checked her hand. "Damn it,  Luke! Get the car!"

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