Chapter 3: I Like It Like That

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Author's note real quick!

Okay so this chapter will be told in two point of views the first part will be Aimee's and the second half will be told in Matias's. Also some secrets are going to be brought up about Aimee's past and you are going to catch a glimpse of just how changed Aimee really is. Also from the previous chapter if anyone has noticed that "John" has been changed to Nick. Also I will be starting Aimee's point of view back to as she is walking to room seventy-five. So tell me what you guys think!


Aimee's POV.

This day sucks. Why? Well, because all anybody is talking about is that damn new kid. What makes him so special? He's only been here one day and he rules the whole school! The teachers are practically wrapped around his finger! Even Senor Garry, who is my favorite teacher and I'm his favorite, ignored the insults that had been thrown at me from the new kid. I don't know why it bothers me so much, but it just does. I'm used to being called a loser, freak, waste of space, worthless, etc.. Before you start to pity me I don't believe any of it, I know I have a value in this life. I haven't found that value, but I know it's here inside me somewhere. I have a purpose. 

Whatever so the new kid is hot, I really don't care. Shaking my head clear of the thoughts I continue my way up to my locker and open it. Dumping my books inside I look around for Carol, odd she is usually always here by now. With a shrug I shut my locker and head into room seventy-five, Senor Datis's room. Datis is the coach, he's a short puertoican (sp?) mand with black hair and I guess you could say a black almost beard with gray hair. I quickly glance around at the freshmen that have joined the team this year. Newbies are clueless. I look over at Nick and grin, we had gone through three years of hell together on this team and finally we were captains. 

"Hey Nick toss me my shirt!" I yell at him with a smirk on my face. His head snaps and his pavement black hair show his dark green christmas tree eyes. He smirks at me for a momment knowing what I really meant, but Nick has always been a pervert. 

"Dirty, dirty captain," he chuckles and tosses me the auburn red shirt with white strips running down the sleeves. Yeah I know it's like an old style jesery you'd see in the 50's but I still love it. 

"Yeah yeah so sue me," I  shots back at him and then turn seeing none other than the new kid. With a silent sigh I brush pass him heading out the door. My hand brushes his soft, yet masculine, warm arm and I feel these sparks and I nearly stop. 

Probably just static electricity, this shirt is always filled with it, I think and continue walking. 

I walk down the hall and turn into the dimmly lit bathroom, sure it's dirty, but it doesn't smell and is actually pretty decent. What more could you expect out of a highschool girls room? Especially since we were in the oldest part of the school. I push open the dark red bathroom stall door and shut it behind me. I take off my hood and hang it on the hanger on the door. I pull the white tanktop over my head knowing it will mess up my straightened hair, but I don't really care it's going to be pulled back into a pony tail anyway. So I slide on the jersey and grab my clothes and head back to the room.  I put my hoodie and tanktop into my backpack and start pulling my hair back into a side pony tail to my right. Once we get to the alley it will most likely be moved to the back, but for now it will stay to the side. 

"Baxter you got the schedule?" Nick askes resting a hand on her shoulder.

"I made the schedule," I roll my eyes, he's such an idiot sometimes. 

"Hand it over," Nick whines playfully. 

"Never!" I  laughs and tries to escape from him, as he heads toward me,but he grabs onto my waist. Besides Carol and my little cousins Nick has really been the only one able to make me smile. I owe them all my life and they don't even know it. 

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