Chapter One: My Soul.

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Chapter One: My Soul

Aimee's POV

You know that song my Christina Perri? Jar of Hearts? The line "you're gonna catch a cold from the ice inside your soul" according to some people describes my soul. Ice Cold. Little do they know I've sold my soul many many times. I can't even remember the time I first sold it because I was so young. It had been my first experience with death, when my nana died. Nana had died of brain cancer when I was little, don't get my wrong of course I remember her, but not as well as I should.  I guess her death was just one of the things that made me grow up too fast. 

"Aimee! Hello! AIMEE TREY JUST GOT HIT BY A CAR!" Caroline shrieks beside me snapping me out of my daze. 

My first insticts set in at the mention of my favorite little blonde haired cousin. In a flash I have Caroline held against my rust red locker my hand holding her shirt as I glare at her. No one messes with my cousins. No one. My chocolate brown eyes darken, a strange trait I know, but it is common in my family. Whenever we are angry our eyes darken to almost a black color, however, my eyes go completely black. 

"What. Did. You. Just. Say?" I hiss out staring at her. Now normally I'm a pretty calm person and I don't react, but seeing how Caroline is the closest thing I have to a best friend she knows how to push my buttons. She doesn't take it seriously when I react like this because she knows I take family as a serious thing ever since....NO! STOP DON'T THINK ABOUT IT! YOU'RE STRONGER NOW! I shake my head to clear my thoughts and release my grip on Caroline who rolls her eyes in a dramatic way. 

Caroline is an attractive girl, her name fits her but not her nationality. Caroline is Asian and everyone finds it strange how she has such an American name. Her skin is always tan and she has the perfect jet black hair which is always straight. I almost envy her for it, I always have to straighten my hair in order to tame it. While she has that perfect straight hair and hates it. I have naturaly light brown hair infused with blonde highlights and one single black one. I know it's strange to have only one black highlight but it stood for something. A lost part of me. 

"Gosh! You aren't listening again!" Caroline pouts crossing her arms over her chest. With a sigh I roll my eyes and look at her. 

"I'm sorry Caroline what were you saying?" I ask trying to hide the sarcasam that wants to drip into my voice. 

"I was saying there is a new insanely hot guy in our year! I mean he's perfect and don't even get me started on his ass!" Caroline squeals. 

"What's your point?" I ask opening my locker and rolling my eyes.

"My point?! Girl, you need to get yourself a boyfriend for once! You haven't dated since...." she trails off noticing the pained expression on my face, "Sorry," she mummbles dropping the subject.

"It's alright," I mumble and shove my books into my bag. 

I slid down next to her on the floor as our back are pressed against the rust blood red lockers. As we sit students surround us, blocking us from sit. Unless you are looking in between the guys' legs like the school slutts are. I pull the hood of my navy pull hoodie over my head and put in my earphones blasting, ironically, Jar of Hearts. 

Matias POV.

It's good to be alpha.

I can't agree with my wolf more, being an alpha rocks! I mean not only is there the power and good money, but there is also the good looks, babes, and well the babes. Most importantly though it's good to be home. Don't get me wrong I love my time with Uncle Tom, but I miss my boys. Yes, I call my best friends my boys. Jace, Mark, Luke, and Dave. Jace is my beta and while I was gone he continuously emailed me. Since I was going to be alpha once I found my mate and my dad stepped down, I had to know everything that went on around here. So I knew everything without being here, I even knew the humans. I spat the word mentally. I had nothing against humans it's just that my power doesn't work on them. Of course I have this kind of aura to them and I scare them, but they don't obey my alpha tone if I use it one them. 

One human though...she changed my opinions on humans for a little while. 

Aimee Baxter. Aimee. Aimee.

My wolf smiled at her name, as far as I knew she wasn't my mate. According to Jace I had met her once in kindergarten and my wolf had just taken a liken to her. I once asked my wolf if Aimee was our mate and he said no, but he couldn't be sure since it had been such a long time since we had seen her. I still replay that day I first met her in my head all the time. 

~Flash Back~

"Hi I'm Aimee! Aimee Baxter!" this cheery voice said from beside me. 

I looked up from my coloring of a beach ball and into these big brown eyes. There Aimee Baxter stood a few inches shorter than me in a pair of jeans and a yellow t-shirt. Her light brown hair pulled into two pig tails, and there were freckles dancing across her nose and cheeks. In her hands there was a blue lunch box with her name written across it in black sharpie. 

"Uh...uh...hi..." I replied weakly not knowing what to say. I was crushing on Aimee Baxter! The Baxters are well known around town, no they aren't rich, but they get along with everyone. 

A cute giggle errupted from Aimee as she took a seat next to me and looked at my coloring. She looked up and she smiled at me, which made my cheeks go red. Didn't girls have cooties? Nope, not Aimee Baxter. 

"I'm Matias Alexander," I said weakly holding out my hand. 

Instead of her hand being placed into mine she put a lollipop in my hand. A rootbeer flavored lollipop. 

"Hey this is my favorite flavor!" I cried happily and ripped on the wrapper. 

"It's my favorite too!" she giggled happily. 

The teacher had assigned us seats and sadly my desk was no where near Aimee's. I sat on the other side of the room for her put every time I looked over and she saw me, she would wave and smile. I would smile back and then look down. At lunch I sat with my boys while Aimee sat all alone at the end of the table just staring at her blue lunch box. Without a word I got up and went to where Aimee sat and sat down next to her. The boys followed and Aimme looked up at us surprised. 

"Have anymore lollipops?" I asked and she smiled.

"A whole bag," 

~End of Flashback~

Aimee Baxter was my first crush and you know what they say about crushes. They stick around. 

"Dude block your thoughts!" Jace yells snapping me from my daze. 

"What?" I ask looking at him. 

"Not you Caroline!" Jace complains.

Oh yeah Caroline. She was the newest member of the pack and best friends with a human. I tuned into her thoughts just in time to hear them talking about me. 

"I was saying there is a new insanely hot guy in our year! I mean he's perfect and don't even get me started on his ass!" Caroline squeals. 

"What's your point?" the human askes and I tuned them out from then. 

Stupid human! How dare she say I'm not hot! 

Snap out of it dude! You're gonna see Aimee! 

My wolf rejoices at this. Aimee. Apparently she's changed from that cheery girl she once was, now she is depressed and quiet. Probably from missing me. I'm back Aimee. I'm home. 

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