Chapter 6 Part 2: Haunted

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Recap Aimee's POV:

Silently they all nod and head into the woods behind Toni. Forever I stand there staring at were they disappeared into the woods. 

"Aimee?" Matias askes standing behind me. 

"You'd think by now....I'd be used to saying goodbye to them by now...but it gets harder every time." I whisper

Chapter 6 Part 2: Haunted 

Aimee's POV:


I can't remember going back to my room, only the pain that increased with every second tick,tick,ticking away. So I suppose Matias brought me to my room as I was too consumed with my memories.


"Aimee why can't you see that me leaving is good for you? That you'll move on without me?!" Antonio yelled over the phone. 

We had been screaming back and forth at each other for a half hour now. Toni saying he was leaving yet again completely destroyed me. However, what really put the nail in the coffin was that he wasn't coming back till I turned eightteen...three and a half years from now. 

"Fine you want to leave so bad then go! But you have to tell me that you hate me. That I'm dead to you and I mean nothing to you! That you never want to speak to me again. Go on say it!" I yelled.

The line was silent for several moments and I pulled the cell phone away from my ear to see if he had hung up. Nope, the time was still going as we approached forty-five minutes. I knew he would never say that to me. For so long now we were each other's rock, we were in love and always fought against the odds. Of course, by this time Kat had been born and her bitch of a mother Taylor left her and Toni. I still don't fully forgive him for it, after all he had gotten during and banged the bitch while we were still together. He disappeared for two weeks straight with her and when he showed up he claimed to love Taylor and married her. After Kat was born the bitch divorced him and left never to be seen again. I held no ill will towards Kat, she was a beautiful little girl and I loved her as if she was my own daughter. 

The reason he wanted to leave now was because he was worried the gang was going to come after me to get to him. I had just recently learned of James and his involvement in the gang, and it was shocking that such my two big softies were rough and tough gang members! While it was true that they were after me, Antonio and I both knew I had no information to give them, I had nothing they could gain. Antonio made damn well sure I knew nothing, that I was in the dark without even knowing it. His deep sigh snaps me from my thoughts. 

"See you can't say that to me just like I can't say it to you," I whisper hoping he has given up this silly thought of leaving. He sighs again and I can picture his tan hand running through his black curly hair as his eyebrows scrunch up together as he battles against himself. 

"Aimee, I hate you. You're dead to me and you mean nothing to me. I never want to speak to you again and I never loved you," his steady calm voice say making my blood run cold and my breath to get caught in my throat. 

Did he really just say that to me? After everything? I've saved his life so many times and after every betrayal I always forgave him! I did nothing but scarafice for him and he had the nerve to actually say that to me? 

"F-fine, i-if that's what what you want. I-I understand. Goodbye Antonio, I say fighting to keep my voice steady, "forever."

"Aimee wa-" he starts but the sentence is cut off by my thumb hitting the end button. Everything goes in slow motion as the phone slides out of my hand and on to my blue sheet covered bed and the tears begin to fall. 

"Aimee plz girl txt me back or answer the fucking phone! U can't shut me out bc of what Toni did!" that was one of the hundreds of text messages from Sydney and it was only three days after HE left. I frown hitting the erase button to rid myself of the text containing HIS name. It's wrong to shut Sydney out I know, but I didn't want anything to do with someone or something HE once held dear. Sydney was the reason I met HIM and we were like sisters but now...I just wanted to be alone. 

Pulling my jacket tighter around me, I join the flow of 8th grade students into the cold winter air. Christmas was a week ago, but the houses surrounding the school still had lights on them. Letting out a deep breath, I watch the small white cloud vanish before me. I step on to the bus, first one on again, and sit right in the middle in a two seater. I plug in my earphones and turn up the music so loud I'm suprised they don't break.

That's how these past few days have been working, like clock work. Morning; wake up, get dressed, brush my hair and teeth, and head for the bus.  Sit in the same two seater and then follow my school class schedule. Get on the bus first and sit in the seat plug in my music and block out everyone. Then I go home, do my homework, do chores, tell my parents how the day was the same as the one before, eat dinner, stare at a computer screen ignoring Sydney's IM's. Shower, stay up most of the night, with the little sleep I do have I have nightmares, and then wake up the next morning and do everything over again. Life for me was barely something I took part in. I was a robot and all my actions were programmed. 


"Aimee you need to answer now! This is serious!" I rolled my eyes and once again closed the IM window that kept popping up. It was James, Toni's not-really-brother brother. For the past half hour he had kept messaging me every two minutes and I mean literally. Thinking he was Sydney I had responded in the beginning, but once he told me it was him I immediately stopped answering. James left with Cecily and Antonio and at that point Derek who was only Cecily's boyfriend. Two weeks after they left my eyes had become permenately dry of tears. 

"Aimee, please I know you're mad...but it's Toni." the IM brought back all my anger and hurt. 

"Why would I want to hear anything about that bastard? More importantly why would I care about anything that happens to that lying, cheating, good for nothing, sorry excuse for a man, asshole?" I finally replied. 

"Ouch...I see you're still in the anger stage of this breakup."

"There never was a real relationship to being with. Now what do you need to tell me?"

"Don't do anything drastic okay? Aimee..Antonio...he's dead Aimee. He was on his way to come see you to keep him promise to meet you face to face, but a drunk driver hit him and he died before he ever reached the hospital."

"When did this happen?"

"January 26th."

"It's fucking almost April! Who knew about this?!?!"

"I knew, so does Sydney, and Cecily and Derek."

"So you all kept this from me? What the hell were you planning on doing? PRetending he was alive and when I turned eightteen tell me he died three years ago?! James I trust you to never lie to me! I trust all of you! You know what? Screw you all."

With that I signed off, crawled into bed and looked over at my sister. I lad there watching the soft rise and fall of the blankets as she breathed peacefully. Kelsey was so young and complete unlike me, I was so broken and scarred mor than I would ever willingly admit. Sighing I rolled on my back and stared at the white ceiling. There was no sound, except for the ticking of the clock on the wall.

Tick,tick, tick....


"You know I know how to make 'em stop and stare as I zone out, the club can't even handle me right now..." Flo Rida sang as my phone rang and I rolled my eyes. After first meeting Tim he set that as his ringtone in my phone as a joke. Hold on a second...why was he calling?

"Tim what's wrong?" I asked.

"Aimee! Get...together...I'm coming...looking....Be there soon!" he yelled though the noise in the background. I could hear curses and shouts and the sound of guns and glass shattering.

It was obvious that it was some sort of fight going on and I knew it was gang related. Before I could answer the line went dead.  

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