Chapter 6- When It All Seemed So Perfect..

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We walked back to my house after a drama packed day. 

'I'll be seeing you.. probably tonight?' Michael smirked

'If your lucky' I winked, kissing him then going inside. 

My father looked at me with cheeky smile on his face. I knew what he was thinking before he said it 'I told you so..'. I knew sometime soon I'd have the talk with him about safe sex and everything, I was already told everything I needed to know when they split up.

'Your mother has been trying to get hold of you..' My father said grabbing his car keys. Him and Emma were off to watch a film at the cinema leaving me with the house to myself.

'I'll call her now..' I smiled

I went upstairs and led on my bed with my laptop out and called my mum om Skype. After telling her about Michael and I and everything that had happened, she started speaking in a different tone.

'I have something to tell you..' She smiled slightly

'What is it?' I asked

'Well.. Jamie and I are having a baby..' I could see her face light up with the good news she had given. I didn't know what to say.. I didn't know how to feel about the idea I was going to have a baby brother or sister. I said the only thing I could think of..

'Congratulations' I smiled slightly

'Um.. I have to go.. Michael's just arrived.  I'll talk to you soon..' I said hanging up on her and shutting off my laptop. Truth was, Michael wasn't here.. Nobody was.. I was alone.. Just me and my thoughts.

I was home alone for 2hours before Michael came over. No knock on the front door or on my bedroom door, just walked straight in. I sat on my bed crossed legged in a baggy tee, messy hair writing and doodling in my diary.

'What you writing?' Michael smiled at me still stood in the doorway

'Just things that have happened over today..' I said finishing off my lyrics

'What's happened today then?' He asked sitting on the edge of my bed

'We ate ice-cream.. I called my mum on Skype.. Found out my mums having another baby.. Now I'm just sat here..' I said drawing a rising sun

'Your mum's what?!' Michael looked shocked by the news. He hadn't met my mum but I guess he understood how I felt.

'She's having a baby with Shaun..'

'Since when?' He frowned

I shrugged 'I shut the laptop off before she could say anything else..' I sighed.

Michael said nothing else to me just held me in his arms and hugged me tightly. I could feel the warmth of his body and the pounding of his heart. I didn't know whether to be happy for my mum and step dad or to be sad.


My father packed the car with the rest of the camping gear and our possessions before getting into the car.

'Road trip!' He smiled wide starting the engine. His hand joined Emma's as they kissed each other before our journey started. Camping was also a year thing. My father would take his two girls (and this year Michael) out to the woods of Australia to camp for the weekend. We'd have a small bonfire and a BBQ whilst listening to music and dancing. Although I loved Michael to pieces, my father hardly sees me alone, I'm sure he doesn't mind though.

I did what I always did on long journeys, put my headphones in listening to Biffy Clyro and starred out the window. My hand in Michael's as he did the same. He smiled at me every now and then. I knew he was worried about me. It had been 2days still I found out about my mother. I still wasn't over it. I worried about Michael too. I wasn't sure what we we're going to do once summer was over and I have to leave for LA. Though I kept pushing that to the back of my mind. I still had a month and a half before I went home. How much stuff could happen in that sort space of time?

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