Chapter 31

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'It's not too late to back out now Johnny,' Goose joked whilst they waited outside of city hall for Paulette to arrive.

'Yeah it is,' Michael said as Johnny lit a cigarette to hide his nerves. It wasn't the ceremony he was scared of, it was the rest of his life. He looked up as a car pulled up and he watched as Sharon and Louis got out, Sharon in a pale green Jackie Kennedy inspired outfit. They walked over hand in hand, Davey tagging along behind them.

'Paulette's on her way,' Sharon told Johnny. 'Why don't you go wait inside.'

His mother nodded. 'Yes Jonathan, this wind is ruining my hair.' She adjusted her hat and patted her hair down to empathise the point.

'Okay then,' he said leading the way inside.

'Hey, wouldn't it be funny if Paulette jilted you,' Goose joked.

Sharon frowned. 'Goose she's on her way. Besides the bride is supposed to be late, it's traditional.'

'There's nothing traditional about this wedding,' Johnny's mom said giving him a hard look. Johnny ignored her, eavesdropping on Louis's whispered words to Sharon.

'So do you wanna book the wedding while we're here,' Louis suggested, and Johnny snorted at the expression on Sharon's face.

'Louis we are not getting married here,' she hissed. 'I want something a bit more impressive than this.'

'I know, I'm just messing with you, babe.'

Johnny tried not to feel offended, this was the last thing he would have wanted period. Getting married had never been on his radar. He tensed up as Stephanie came in.

'Paulette's outside!'

'So what are we waiting for?' Johnny asked standing up straighter.

'I think you should go in first,' Stephanie said taking hold of Michael's hand. 'So Paulette can make an entrance.'

Johnny's mom tutted, before going into the hall where the wedding was to take place. The room was almost bare with so few guests, and Johnny's friends sat down near the front. He stood watching the door. Finally, Paulette appeared wearing a pink shift dress and holding a small bouquet of flowers.

She caught Johnny's eye and smiled as she entered the room. Johnny smiled back telling himself that he was lucky. She was attractive, she was a good person, and she adored him. He knew he couldn't ask for more and yet he was apprehensive. She joined him at the front of the room and he took her hand squeezing it. Whether he was trying to reassure Paulette or himself he wasn't entirely sure.


Paulette held onto Johnny's hand for dear life as the ceremony began. Johnny had a huge smile on his face but Paulette could see it was a front, she knew Johnny too well. Mrs Nogerelli was also smiling, and Paulette suspected it was also for show. She barely knew the woman, they couldn't have got off to a worse start, but she was grateful she was there. For Johnny's sake more than anyone's.

During the drive to city hall, Paulette had been terrified Johnny would stand her up. Now with him standing beside her, she dared to feel a little bit hopeful that they would have the family she'd always wanted. The door opened and she jumped. There stood her mother.

'Sorry, sorry,' Mrs Rebchuck whispered taking a seat and the service continued. Now Paulette felt truly happy, she was convinced it would work out, both their mothers were coming around.

'I knew she wouldn't miss this,' she heard Dolores whisper to Davey.

'She cut it a bit fine,' he murmured back.

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