Chapter 23

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'Look I'm sorry for having a go at you earlier,' Louis said as Sharon opened the front door to her house letting them in.

She sighed deeply as she led him through to the living room and they sat down. 'I don't see why you even would over something so stupid.'

He nodded, it wasn't like him to get riled up over a dumb joke. 'I guess Rhonda hit a nerve.' Sharon frowned at him. 'I mean I'm working, you're out meeting all these new people, you're bound to find someone else.' He cringed as he admitted it.

'But I don't want to meet anyone else,' Sharon protested and he gave her a sceptical look. 'Louis I don't!'

'Well, that's not how it feels to me sometimes. I mean in twelfth grade would you have put up with me for so long if it wasn't for the code?' He laughed slightly at how stupid that sounded but he suspected that had played a big part in why she'd forgiven him in the first place. She took the whole thing almost as seriously as Johnny did, and he was borderline ridiculous. Maybe not even borderline.

'Louis you're being dumb, if I hadn't wanted to be with you I wouldn't have cared less what the code said,' Sharon insisted folding her arms around herself.

'Well all you ever do is turn me down,' he said hating that he sounded like he was whining.

Sharon grimaced. 'You're not being fair, it's different for guys, and frankly when we first got together and all you did is was pressurise me....' She broke off her cheeks flushing.

'Look I'm sorry about that,' he said sheepishly. 'You're right, I was too pushy but we've been together nearly two years now-'

'Actually, it's just over a year Louis.'

'More like eighteen months,' he said correcting her a change. 'After all this time, you've got to know I'm not using you. If I was only with you for one thing, don't you think I'd have moved on by now?'

Sharon looked at him uncertainly, chewing her bottom lip. 'I guess, maybe.'

'There are other girls out there.' Her face hardened and he realised he'd said the wrong thing again. 'I just mean there are other girls, easier girls, but I'm not interested in anyone but you. It's you that I want to be with.'

'I don't know...'

'I wish you would trust me,' he added sensing she was softening up. 'You can trust me.'

'I guess,' she said hesitantly. 'But your face the other day when Frances started going on about getting married. I didn't expect you to jump up and propose but your reaction didn't make me feel too great either.'

Silently he cursed his sister, he knew Sharon had been more hurt than she'd let on. 'Sharon, I only reacted like that cos it's nothing to do with Frances.'

'Well you looked like the idea horrified you,' she said exaggerating as usual.

'Don't be stupid, of course, it didn't,' he said slowly. 'But I'm not gonna propose until I can get you a proper ring.'

Sharon gasped, a smile appearing on her face. 'Really?' He could see she was biting her lip, trying not to smile too much.

'Yeah really. I want us to be together.' She leaned over and kissed him suddenly taking him by surprise.

'Sharon I do love you, and I want to be with you,' he said hoping it didn't sound like a line. She wrapped her arms around him snuggling into his chest. 'And you know your first time would be terrible with anyone but me.'

Sharon gasped. 'Oh my god, I can't believe you've just said that.' She tried to elbow him and he grabbed hold of her, pinning her down.

'It's true and you know it.' His face was inches from hers and she closed her eyes for a moment. He could feel her trembling. 'Why don't we go up to your bedroom?' She opened her eyes looking at him nervously as she contemplated his words. He waited for the inevitable knockback.

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