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With our hands linked together, we swayed in the empty street. My feet skipped to the music from the party still ringing in my ears. "Is it just me or is it really foggy tonight? Everything's all fuzzy. The stars, the trees . . ." I squinted up at the sky and frowned. "Why are there two moons."

Instead of looking up, Sehun just pointed a finger at me and laughed. "You're so drunk."

"No way." He had to be lying. I didn't feel any different. I did feel happy, though. And light. Unburdened. Just in case, I let go of him and walked back and forth in a straight line. Perfectly straight. It couldn't be any better if I had a ruler. I twirled in place. Once. Twice. "Maybe you're the one who's drunk."

"Oh, I definitely am. I'm still better than you."

I pointed at him. "No one is ever better than me - whoops." My phone fell out of my pocket and hit the street with a loud crack. I bend over to pick it up. "Oh man."

Sehun bent over to look at my phone. His hair tickled my nose. "What's wrong?"

"Dotson called and texted me a couple of times." Blink. Blink. "Okay, more than a couple." My fingers fumbled on the tiny screen as I tried to text back that I was fine. Why was it so hard? The buttons were tiny! Autocorrect kept putting in funny words and commas, making me erase the entire thing and start over. Concentrate, Suzy. You can do this.

When I was on my tenth try, Sehun's hand reached out and grabbed the phone from me. "Gosh, let me do it."

"It's not my fault my autocorrect is stupid." I tried to grab it back, but he held it straight over his head as he typed. All I succeed in doing was hitting the top of my breast into his shoulder. Owww. "Make sure to use correct grammar! I hate incorrect texts."

"Okay, Miss Grammar. Done." He stuck the phone into his pocket and reached for my hand. "Let's go."

My happy smile turned into a frown. There was a weird buildup in my chest that made me sick. "I think I'm going to throw up."

His eyes widened, and he pulled back. With both hands on my shoulders, Sehun guided me off the street and toward a bush in the edge of someone's curb. I held my hair back from my face and vomit. Or at least tried to. The only thing that came up was some bitter liquid. Once I started, though, it was like I couldn't stop. Shuddering from the taste, I kept trying and trying, but nothing else came up. Sehun rubbed my back the whole time.

Finally, when it was clear that I was down, he handed me a napkin. I finished wiping before I realized that it wasn't a napkin at all it the hem of his shirt. And now it was stained a darkish color. "Ew, you're dirty now."

"Because of you," he laughed.  "You're welcome, by the way." He grabbed my hand and pulled me along the street again. A little slower. His other arms wrapped around my shoulders.

After a while, I started to feel a little better. Letting go of him, I spinned around. Sehun smiled and did the moonwalk toward me. Even his arms danced as he hummed a melody.

I don't know how long we danced in the street, but I swear I just blinked and we were standing in his room. Like we had magically teleported.

The first thing I did was run into his bathroom to brush my teeth and get the nasty taste out of my mouth. When I came out, Sehun was still standing, scratching his head like he didn't know where he was. Like a cute, confused dog.

I laughed. "So much for being a good drinker."

Sehun leaned back against the wall and slid down to the floor. "Tonight is not my best moment. But do you want to know what else I'm good at?"

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