Gone wrong

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i searched all over the castle and no sign of Hermione. I figured the only quikest way to find her was to add more people to my search.

'Harry i have been looking for you" i said stopping him while he was walking

"Suprised you Malfoy of all people would be looking for me" He says back at me but i brush it off and get to the point.

"my father kidnapped Hermione" I blurt out at him which makes him frozen and in shock.

"How do you know it was your father?"

"My father was the person that was the most dissapointed and upset, he tried to make me stay but i left" I explained to him.

"Ok ill help" He said

"So my father would not take Hermione out of Hogwarts area, so he is close" I say as we walk to Hagrids to see if he saw anything or anyone.

"Hagrid! good to see you, i was wondering if you perhaps saw Hermione or maybe Lucius walking around?" Harry asked Hagrid. Which made Hagrid confused.

"I'm afraid i havn't, sorry boys" he says and we go our seperate ways. As me and Harry walk around we used it to think of where they could be.

"the Forest!" Harry yells out. "why didnt i think of it before" He continues.

"The Forbidden Forest?" i ask

"Yes of course he would pick a place that no one goes to and its distgusting just like him" Harry says. So we walk our way over to the forbidden forest.


"WAKE UP!" i hear as i open my eyes. As I blink my eyes to clear the blur I see black cloaks all around me. I look up to see a pale, thin and no nosed man standing in front of me.

"Of course Voldemort is here" saying sarcastically.

After that was said Voldemort raises his arm and smacks me right across the face.

"I do not appreciate the sass miss granger"

before I could say something I heard yelling coming from behind me.


"bloody hell this place gives me the creeps"


i could automatically tell who was who.

"It's too late Voldemort, once my friends are here then you are dead"

"That's exactly what we wanted was for your friends to get here miss granger"

"What do you mean?"

"Of course a childish brain like yourself could not figure it out"

"Figure what out" I ask confused as ever

"You see I have deatheaters surrounding this forest from top to bottom. So when your friends get here, if they do, they will get hit with dark magic you don't even know Granger. Don't worry it won't kill them we just want them as weak as possible when they reach me"

"And when they get here?"

"When they get to me it will all be over"

"HERMIONE IM HERE" I see someone running straight towards me.

"DRACO!" I tried to warn him but before I could


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