Adventure and Training (part 1)

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Hey guys, here is another chapter. I finally managed to bring one out and I hope it's good, school has started and I'm afraid to say that updates will be much more irregular. I have less time and I'm trying to study more for better grades. Hope you enjoy!



"Kurama speaking"


Normal POV.

"I have decided to give Team 9 a C-rank mission." A's voice caught everyone's attention, even the uninterested genin's.

It has been three weeks since Team 9 was formed. Naruto Uzumaki is the jonin sensei, while Motoki Shibata, Saraka Kohera and Mayumi Meika are his little genin subordinates.

"Really?" Motoki asked, not believing what he was hearing.

"You are to deliver this scroll to the Village Hidden in the Sand, then escort someone from the Sand to the Leaf." A explained, handing a set of scrolls to Naruto. One was the mission scroll and the other was the scroll to deliver.

"Okay then, we'll do that." Naruto responded while picking up both the scrolls on the desk.

The blond didn't really want to go back yet, he'd love to see Gaara again but going back to Konoha so soon was something else.

Facing those people last time was enough, making him go back was like throwing him in some lions den.

But he'd do the mission anyway, his genin hadn't done much missions that were actually exciting or were something they could learn from.

This trip should also strengthen their teamwork and bond, they had one but it's not like nothing could be done to make it better.

Motoki and Saraka already had a bond and some teamwork but they were rivals -lowkey- and did sometimes argue.

Mayumi had yet to be fully put into the plans and she also seemed to be a distant person, she wasn't exactly close to any member of the team.

"Okay, meet me at the gates in 30 minutes. Pack enough for two weeks." Naruto informed before leaving his team in front of the Raikage's building. Motoki sighed along with Saraka before they all headed into separate directions.

Thirty minutes later, they left the front gate at a slow pace. Everyone was quiet, aside from the rattling of Motoki's backpack.

"Why didn't you just use a seal for your backpack, Motoki?" Saraka asked him. He sent her a glare, a blush of embarrassment across his cheeks.

"I wanted to carry my things." Motoki lied, causing Saraka to raise an eyebrow at him. Naruto looked over at the two genin as they argued before focusing his vision on his other little genin.

Mayumi was staring straight ahead, her arms fiddling nervously. Her war fans rested on her hips, clicking slightly against each other. Pretty soon, it started to get extremely boring, even for Naruto.

"Okay! Let's stop here. I want to teach you all something." Naruto halted the group, summoning his backpack from his wrist. He rummaged through the backpack until he pulled out a bundle of balloons.

"I need you to go fill these up at the river over there." He said handing the balloons to the genin. He watched in amusement as they groaned and grumbled. He knew he wanted his students all to learn the Rasengan, and this is the perfect time to start it. Maybe they can put their own elements to it when they get to that stage.

Wind has already been applied and he hoped that his students were able to use different elements for it.

By the time they got them all filled, they were all soaked to the bone. Naruto let out a laugh before he started to make a fire so they can sleep and dry.

"What is the point of these water balloons?" Motoki asked, pushing his glasses up his nose. Mayumi nodded, curious about the squishy balls.

"I have a jutsu that is incomplete. I have completed it with my element, but the way the jutsu is, it has a variation with all elements but I don't have other elements to complete it. I want you guys to try and complete it in your main element, but we will start that tomorrow. Get some rest." Naruto explained.

The three genin set up their sleeping bags while Naruto watched over them, when the three kids were asleep their sensei kept watch.

Naruto peacefully watched the sleeping kids, he then proceeded to look up at the sky that was filled with many stars.

'Maybe I should show them this tomorrow night, it's really beautiful.' The blond thought to himself.

-Next day-

Normal POV.

Saraka yawned as she stretched her body, Motoki put his glasses on with half-lidded eyes and Mayumi was already up and putting her sleeping bag away.

It amused Naruto to see them like this, now he knew which ones were morning people and which weren't.

"I don't get how you're already so awake Mayumi." Motoki yawned as he looked at his teammate.

The girl laughed lightly and scratched the back of her neck, "I always tend to get up early." She said.

Motoki and Saraka also started putting their sleeping bags away and then looked at their sensei for further instruction.

"Okay, now I'm going to learn you three my incomplete jutsu. Of course I don't expect any of you to have mastered it by this noon, at noon we'll leave to go further on our path to Sunagakure." Naruto explained.

The three genin went to pick up the water filled balloons and stood before their sensei who also had one in hand, they were questioning where he got it and when.

"There are three steps to learning the rasengan. They're called Rotation, Power and Containment. For the first step you will use a water balloon." The blond said as she held up his water balloon.

"To master the rasengan one must have extremely refined chakra control, you will all learn this with these three steps." He pointed out.

The oldest male held out his water balloon and the water inside began to spin in multiple different directions all at the same time, then the balloon burst, startling the three genin before him.

"You will all like demonstrated spin you chakra inside the balloon in multiple directions at once until the balloon bursts, then you can move on to the next step." He said.

Saraka, Motoki and Mayumi looked at each other hesitantly. This was certainly not gonna be easy.

Then they started to train, each of them very focused on the water filled balloon in their hands.

Naruto jumped up a tree and lazily watched, he knew that this could take a while since he also needed a long time to master the technique.

To be continued ...

Well this was it for the chapter, it's not long I guess. I hope this satisfied your long wait and if not then sorry, my writing sucks. Like said earlier, school has started and I really want someone to push me down the stairs, we also have this stupid test about the theorem of Pythagoras and I really wanna know when in life I'll use this. I also have less contact with the co-writer of this story and I don't want to write too much without her, so irregular updates are confirmed. Sorry for the rant, See ya (^0^)/!

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