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I hope you're happy with a new chapter because its been so long since i updated and i apologize for that, i hope you enjoy this one ^-^. And i also apologize if there's any OOCness

"Demonic speaking"




Naruto POV. 

I have been training for a while now, like and hour or two. I'm suprisingly tired, i set myself against the wall of the training grounds.

 I feel exhausted, but if i think about it i haven't slept since i came to Kumo. My eyes close slowly, and i'm of in slumber.

_________________Naruto's mindscape________________________

Naruto's POV.

I groan as i slowly open my eyes, 'I thought i was in Kumo?'. I look around, 'This looks like a riot.' . Then i hear someone breathing.

Rather something, its like a big fox with ... Nine tails. "Hey, Kit." The Nine tailed fox said. "Ummm Hey?" It came more out like a question than a response.

"Who are you?" I asked the big fox. He deadpanned, "You've got to be kidding me." He answered annoyed. 

"Well anyway, i'm the Nine Tailed Demon Fox." The fox continued. Then i got it, this is the nine tailed demon fox that destroyed Konoha 15 years ago.

"W-what are you doing here, where am i even ?!" I got a little bit panicked, mostly because the Kyuubi was right before me.

"We are in your mindscape kit." The Kyuubi said calmly.

"My mind ... scape?" Ok now i'm really confused.

"Simply said we are in your head" He dryly stated.

"Oh." Was my brilliant intelligent answer.

OK i'm so so so sorry, i got stuck at this point. Please don't kill me TvT, forgive me for my sins. I hate this writers block i really do, consider this as a cliffhanger. I'm so gonna die by the hands of my readers TTvTT, i'll have to prepare. *gets in pillow fortres and stays there* They'll never find me TuT.

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