New Shinobi (part 1)

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Yay a new chapter (FINALLY) sorry that you had to wait so long, i had a writers block and it was pretty annoying because my head was overflowing with idea's for new storie's well i'll stop talking now, and sorry if there's any OOC'ness going on. "demonic speaking" "normal speaking" 'thoughts' 


Naruto's POV.

I was walking with Yugito and B through the streets of my new village, they where showing me around. The training grounds, the academy, some shops, it was all interesting honestly.

But i was bored by now i would be walking with bushie brow and bushier brow sensei, 'no don't think about them, you're gone now'.

"Uto ... Aruto ... Naruto!" I was snapped out off my thoughts by Yugito saying my name i guess i spaced out. 

"Oh sorry Yugito, i spaced out." I said while scratching the back of my head. I looked at their face's i saw something i hadn't seen for a while, worriedness. 

"Naruto are you okay?" Yugito asked me.

"Yep, i'm perfectly fine." I said while having a wide grin crossing my face, i didn't wanna make them worry the first day i meet them. 

"Okay Naruto, we'll see ya yo!" B rapped while he walked away with Yugito. 

I was alone now i decided to go to the training grounds.

____________________Kumo (training grounds)_________

Naruto POV.

Currently i am at the training grounds throwing some kunai at my target. It was boring but i guess i have to get used to all of this.

(A/N And done yes yes its short as hell but i can't help it, i stumbled onto another writers block. Gomen, gomen, gomen its sooo short once again. i hope the next one is longer, see ya (^0^)/)

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