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Hello this is a new chaper (obviously) *cheers of joy* \(^0^)/  this is gonna take place a few days after the bird was send. "demonic speak"     "normal speak"     'thoughts' 


A few days after the bird was sent to Kumo, it was quiet in Konoha. No blonde knucklehead running through the streets. "It seems kind of quiet here" Ino said to her team. "Its been like this since Naruto went away." Shikamaru replied back. "Ummm guys don't you think we were to harsh?" Choji said to the two of them. "Maybe ..." Shikamaru said back. When they walked further in silence they saw someone who they actually didn't want to see (guess who it was) ... it was Sakura. 

"Hey guys" Sakura said to the team, she was to happy all of them thought that. "Guess what ?" sakura said with a far to happy smile. "What ?" Ino asked in boredom. "Sasuke is getting out of the hospital from his fight with BAKA Naruto!!" Sakura said, she spitted out Naruto's name in disgust. Team 10 looked at Sakura like they didn't give a damm. Ino was angry at how Sakura acted without thinking she shouted at Sakura. 

"REALLY? YOU'RE STILL ACTING LIKE THAT.LIKE YOUR SASUKE'S BIGGEST FANGIRL? WHY WON'T STOP ACTING LIKE THAT???" Ino shouted in rage and anger at Sakura. Her fellow teammates were suprised at Ino's shouting all of the sudden. But they where happy she shouted, so they didn't need to spell the lesson out for Sakura. Because we all know, Sakura isn't really easy to handel. 

"YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THAT? INO PIG??" Sakura shouted at Ino. Both of their heads against each other like old times. "I DO BILBOARD-BROW !!" Ino shouted again. Shikemaru and Choji could only look at their discussion to scared to interfere. Because a fight between those two isn't really easily stopped. Ino and Sakura where standing there at least an hour arguing. 

Then they got tired out of all the shouting. Ino left with her fellow teammates, talking about Sakura who apparently was a b**ch in Ino's opinion. The silence came back in Konoha again without a blonde knuckelhead or a arguement between a pink banshee and a blonde pig. (no offense against Ino but ALOT against Sakura) 

But what they didn't know was that the bird they had sent didn't get to its destination. Because of weird reasons. 

(A/N sorry i broke my promise this isn't really long either its just because i get out of idea's (dammit) i'm sorry because its this short again, see ya ^-^ and i hope ye enjoyed) 

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