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Finally! That's it! Finished! You have reached the end of my first meagre and limited offering to the world of poetry - well done! Though many of you have disputed the titling of this collection of poems it remains "The Assorted Drivel of a Student" and now, after a year of writing on and off, I condemn this book to the dusty shelves of 'Completed' Wattpad books.  Forgive my joking pessimism, I really have enjoyed writing this short collection for you to enjoy (and hopefully you have enjoyed it), and I look forward to when our respective paths cross again, as reader and writer, in the future.

I would like to take this opportunity, now that my work is finished, to thank those of you who have taken the time and care to follow the progression and development of my work thus far and hope I can rely on your continued support well into the future as I write new works and explore different styles and genres.  In particular, I would like to give my whole-hearted thanks to AmyParkins for her continual, dedicated support and kind words of encouragement throughout the writing process. I wish you every success and happiness in all that you do!

When beginning this book, I aimed to offer up a collection of poetry that differed from the general body of work that I see here on Wattpad in my capacity of a critic. In my opinion, when I started writing, much of what I was asked to review was untechnical, quite morose and excessive in that the amount of poems in each book exceeded the amount that my patience was willing to allow me to read! I hope that, in this book, I have offered an alternative to such writers in presenting a shorter, digestible collection of poems, which offer a light hearted/moral look at a variety of themes and also demonstrate how the use of rhyme and rhythm can indeed be effective with a little effort. You, dear reader, may be the judge of whether I have achieved my aim and delivered such a work, however, looking at the collection I see before me, I don't think I have done half bad! haha! At least, if anything, I have contributed to the diversity and the wonderful body of poetry that you may find here on Wattpad for which I am both pleased and proud!

So it is now 25 poems carefully constructed and well over 100 poetry reviews written for other poets later, we have reached the end of our journey and this book...

It is upon this final note, dear reader, that you and I must part,

May our solemn paths cross again, in pursual of poetic art!

I am grateful for your time and care, for reading my work - what a riot,

For I shall be forever yours,

Many thanks,

Matthew. R. Wyatt

(31st July 2017)

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