Friendship's on the Cards...

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We laughed all through those summer days,

Your telling looks, my bashful ways,

'Gather ye rosebuds whilst ye may',

Yet friendship's on the cards.

She laughs at me and gives a sign,

For which I see, for whom I pine,

If its not her then I resign,

Yet friendship's on the cards.

Together we flew up so high,

Your flirty looks, my sly reply,

I never saw the reason why,

It's friendship on the cards.

I laughed with her yet failed to see,

It wasn't her, it wasn't me,

It was the sheer, strong unity,

Yes, friendship and it's hard!

The pain of ending those summer days,

My different nature, my joking pays,

To make her see me in different ways,

I'm her 'friend' now - what a farce!

If you enjoyed this poem, please consider giving it a like or dropping me a line in the comments section below. Many thanks, M.R.W

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