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I write this brief introductory note sat at my desk gazing out of the window into the warm spring sunlight which floods my study here in Warwick, United Kingdom. Spring 2017 has finally sprung after what has been a harsh winter and I am finally able to emerge from hibernation, out of the warm confines of the house and into the beauty that is living in middle-England, which I am so very lucky to do. "What has this got to do with The Assorted Drivel of a Student?" - I hear you cry in confusion! Well, it is from sitting at this very desk and from gazing out of this very window at various points in the last year or so, that I have garnered the inspiration for my meagre attempt at poetry that you are about to witness! It is from this very desk that I have really enriched and enhanced my love of poetry, and spent many an hour pouring over "The Oxford Book of English Verse" and "Palgrave's Golden Treasury" being inspired by the many British masters of poetry and endeavouring to follow in their footsteps. I have no doubt that the likes of Tennyson, Wordsworth, Larkin and Betjeman would find the large portion of my work laughable but they are long dead and are certainly not my target audience! You, dear reader, are my audience and I sincerely hope you enjoy reading this collection of my random jottings.

If you take nothing away from this book please, please take this with you: no matter how skilfully crafted, how popular or how well-received a work of poetry (or of literature) is, it still has the capacity, in reading it and writing it, to make someone who can be cold and obstreperous both warm and loving. That, dear reader, is what my discovery of poetry and unlocking the poet within has done for me - a wonder in itself! I can only hope that one day it will do the same for you!

Happy reading,

M. R. Wyatt

2nd April 2017

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