Kanato X Azusa Fanfiction (4)

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Kanato whined as he got dressed. His legs really felt sore. He bit his lip as he fixed his school jacket. Azusa couldn't get up at first because of him. He felt proud bit slightly embarrassed. He made moans and whines leave the male's mouth. He felt confident.

Azusa eventually got up and dressed. His whole body ached but he didn't mind. He was fine with it as long as Kanato was. He felt Kanato's stare as he pulled his pants up. He felt a smile tug on his lips. He truly felt happy. Not like it was his first time feeling such a way.

He quickly pulled on his shirt before Kanato decided to help. Kanato tied his slim tie around his shirt collar. He smiled before they both slipped into their shoes. Azusa held Kanato's hand and teleported to the kitchen. Everyone was eating soundlessly before the two male's sat down.

Reiji cleared his throat and out his fork down. He thought his brother was truly stupid. How dare he sleep with a half-blood!? With a male too!? Reiji felt disgusted and sick to his stomach. He wanted to throw up, which he did a few times.

"Kanato, there are some matters we must discuss after breakfast."

Kanato looked up at Reiji before pouting. He really didn't want to talk to him. He knew what he wanted to talk about but he didn't know how he felt. He nodded slowly and quickly ate his food.


Kanato felt nervous. Very nervous. His mind was filled with many questions as he sat in Reiji's room, in front of him a matter of fact. He was staring at his lap, afraid to look at his older brother. He gulped before Reiji said:

"Look at me Kanato."

Kanato hands formed into fist as he hesitatedly locked eyes with Reiji. Reiji looked expressionless, which didn't help at all. Kanato felt sweat collecting in his hand. Reiji finally said:

"I understand you've been holding such a desire all this time which is completely normal. You feel the need to take it out on someone."

What was he talking about? Was Reiji trying to upset him!? Kanato gritted his teeth and questioned:

"What are you talking about?"

"Sex Kanato, sex. I understand you're sexually confused bu-"

"Sexually confused!? I am not confused!"


"No! Save it. I'm leaving."

Kanato stood up and was ready to leave.

"You will not."

"I will do as I please!"

Kanato barked back. Did Reiji hate him that much!? Reiji sighed before saying:

"You are not welcome here."

"What do you mean?"

Kanato felt worried. What did Reiji mean? He wasn't making sense.

"You will leave. The likes of another man on man is not welcome here. Leave and think of what you've done."

Kanato stared at Reiji in shock before shouting:

"I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you!"

"Your feelings for me don't matter. Pack up, I'll sent you to the city."

Kanato groaned in annoyance before teleporting to his room. He was a pure blood, he could do anything he wanted. Reiji stopped that though. Why does Reiji hate him so much? What did he ever do? A knock interrupted the silence before tears flooded Kanato's face.

Kanato opened the door before hugging Azusa. He felt abandoned. Hurt. The words really couldn't describe his feelings right now. Azusa immediately hugged back before pushing Kanato in and closing the door. He led Kanato to bed before sitting him down.

He held his hands as gentle as possible as Kanato calmed down. Now he dared asked:

"Kanato what's..wrong?"

"R-Reiji wants me to move out into the city. He said I was sexually confused and t-that is was wrong for two men to love each other."

Azusa took all this in before kissing Kanato's forehead before saying:

"It will be...okay, Kanato... I'll leave...with you."


Kanato stared up at Azusa. Azusa nodded before a smile was planted on his lips. He kissed Kanato's lips gently as if he was glass. He wanted to make Kanato happy, he would make sure of it. Azusa climbed onto Kanato's lap and pushed him down gently. He pulled away from the kiss, staring down at Kanato.

Kanato's face was dusted in red. Azusa smiled before attacking Kanato's neck. He didn't bite no, he sucked. He sucked different spots on Kanato's neck until a whimper left the said male's throat. Azusa sucked harder on that spot, leaving a nasty mark.

He glazed his teeth against the mark as a moan felt Kanato's lips. Kanato bit his lip before pulled Azusa's collar to smack their lips together. It hurt of course, but Azusa loved it. Kanato bit Azusa's lip as he moan escape his throat. Kanato took this opportunity to slip his tongue in.

Azusa felt his chest hurt. That painful kiss turned into a pure pleasure make out. Azusa felt Kanato's arms around his neck as groans felt his lips. Kanato teased him and he loved it. After literally sucking each others faces off, Kanato tugged at Azusa's pants.

Azusa nodded and got up, stripping. Azusa watched as Kanato did the same and climbed under the cover. Azusa bit his lip before doing the same. He towered over Kanato. He felt powerful and he wanted to take full advantage of Kanato. That he was going to do.

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