You Should've Known

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Chara's POV

"Yo! You did it!!! undyne is RIGHT in front of you!!! you got front row seats to her fight!" He then blinked and his face paled a shade lighter. "Wait. Who's she fighting?" He questioned.

Undyne grabbed him by his ear and pulled him off. I smiled fondly, she looked like MK's mom. She's always been like that I guess. "H-Hey!" He protested, but she didn't let go. Frisk sighed in relief. "I thought she had us that time!" They said, smiling brightly. I gave a nod, "Yeah..." I trailed off.

When Frisk turned around again I blushed furiously. Why and how are they that cute!? It's not possible! I bet they would be even cuter if they didn't have so much dust on their clothes.

Frisk began to walk forward, still smiling. I trailed behind trying to calm my flaming cheeks. Frisk walked through some water, grimacing. I would be too if I could feel temperature. They soon got out, though, and walked along a path until falling into more water, with golden sparkles floating is the air. It was beautiful.

Frisk got out again and squeezed some excess water from their sweater. They gathered their determination. "Determination." I mumbled to myself. They must've heard me and, once again, smiled brightly. I forced another blush down. Why am I blushing so much?

We came to a bridge above an endless pit. There was a loose board in the middle. "Careful Frisk." I said to them, knowing they could be rather clumsy at times. They nodded and jumped over it before continue walking.

"Yo!" Said a voice from behind us. I immediately knew it was Monster Kid. He's even clumsier than Frisk. I hope he doesn't fall. He walked up to us.

"Yo. Undyne told me to stay away from you. She said you... You hurt a lot of people... But yo, that's not true, right!?" He asked hopefully. I shook my head. Sadly, it was. Frisk turned away. They remained quite. "Yo... why won't you answer me?" Frisk's breath was uneven. They were losing control of themselves.

I quickly jumped in and pushed their soul away from the body. I kept Frisk's eyes closed, but I couldn't stop their skin from paling. "A... A... And whats with that weird expression?" He asked, fear lacing his voice. I did have a weird expression. It was between a grimace and a smile. I would regret hurting him, but not that much.

I turned around, a crazed smile making its way on my features. My eyes opened. My eyes were a deep, dark red that had a slight edge to them. My eyes were probably scary to him, especially since they glow slightly. I took a few steps forward."Oh... Oh man!" He exclaimed "yo... Y-you'd b-better st-stop r-right where you are... Cause if you w-wanna hurt anyone else... You're gonna have to get through me, first." he stuttered out. This caused my smile to grow even more. I like the feeling of being feared.

I like the feeling of power

He started the fight. I smirked, he didn't have a chance. He glared at me. "Chara what are you doing!?" I heard a small voice beside me. Frisk. "What I have to." I turned back to the fight. Only 56 HP? I can fix that. I went to attack. "Chara, stop!" Frisk exclaimed. I pressed the FIGHT button, ignoring their pleas. No time for MERCY now...

I went to attack him, only getting him once in the face, before...Undyne blocked the hit... Of course she would. Ugh, She was always in the way of my plans.

"Undyne! y-you're hurt..." Monster kid yelled out. "hurt? It's nothing. Next time, listen when I tell you to leave, okay?" She scolded him. She told him to leave trying to protect him from my wrath. Doesn't she know that no one gets left alive? The dent on her body was barely bleeding. did I really get through her armor with one kick? Weak.

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