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Chara's POV

I looked at the waterfalls and glittering walls and found myself reminiscing over the past. So many things I did that I didn't want or mean to do. So much I regret. So many memories I have to keep down if I want to keep Frisk rooted. Don't I have to be strong for hi-them? I have to make sure that their okay, I might not be, but who really cares? I almost killed my dad when I was a kid, I killed my mom not long ago, my brother is dead because of me! All I do is bring pain and death. I'm even doing it to Frisk! You would think I'd learned my lesson to stay away, because when I get attached everything goes wrong. All life does is give you wonderful things you love, just to rip it away  and emotions don't make it any better. That's why I don't have emotions. I'm a stone cold killer now, I have to own up to that because I'll never-

"Chara? Are you ok? You were laughing like an insane person a couple of minutes ago and then you started crying. I'm worried." I reached up and touched my face. Tears. Killers don't cry Chara, neither do nuisances to society. I smiled a forced little smile. "I'm fine frisk, Just thoughts." because they were just thoughts. I refuse to think them as memories. "Chara it's ok I'm here. I'll always be here." I wish you would leave.

I sobbed a little. I smiled though and laughed "this isn't funny." Frisk's face softened and they ran up to me to try and hug me. "I'm not good Frisk, all the goods gone. I'm just a hard shell of who I was. I- I don't do an-anything good. Why do you stand b-beside me knowing all the evil I'm making you do. I'm sorry, I'm Sorry, I'M SORRY." I couldn't stop. Why were all these memories coming up now?

"shh, Chara its all going to be okay. You can be good, I know it." It wasn't, I couldn't be, but if they believed it, so did I. "look Frisk, you don't have to continue, you can go back and fix this. Without me." I whispered. they shook their head and looked me in the eye, "we are finishing what we started." How do they do it? Keep going strong even though everything is falling apart at their feet. Maybe I'm just weak. Stupid emotions.

"yeah whatever, let's go." I floated in front of her, leading the way. I'm not in the mood to talk. They saw me at my weakest, way to go Chara. I'm such an idiot for doing that. Dumb emotions, making me feel things and embarrass myself.

We came to a waterfall and continued to walk through it. I didn't mention the bridge they could've taken. I wasn't in the mood to talk. They would bring up my emotions, my weakness, and I don't want to snap on Frisk. It might scare them away, no matter how much I would want that.

That's when Frisk walked right into Undyne. I probably should've warned them, but surprisingly undyne didn't do anything. She must still be waiting for the tall skeleton. What was his name again?

Frisk tried to walk forward, but that alerted her. Undyne began to walk toward us. I should tell Frisk to run, but I didn't want to talk. "Chara? What's going on? who's that?" I ignored them. They'll figure it out.

Undyne summoned a spear. Frisk started to panic. I still didn't want to talk.

She got rid of it as Frisk stayed still. Undyne then silently phased away. Frisk let out a sigh of relief. "Chara, why didn't you help me?" I stayed silent. I refused to talk to someone as weak as her. "Fine then stay silent! It's not like I'll care!" She walked out of the tall grass when Monster kid came out with her.

Monster kid! I haven't seen him since he was baby! The little rasc-idiot. That dumb kid. What's he doing not running from us? He- he should be scared.

"yo... did you see the way she was staring at you...? That... Was AWESOME! I'm SOOOO jealous! She was just standing there waiting FOREVER,  and then you just...!!" Frisk blinked at him in surprise. I guess MK grew up to be quit the Undyne fan. "why was it awesome? that was terrifying!" Frisk responded. "C'mon let's go watch her beat up some bad guys!" He continued, completely ignoring Frisk's question. How disrespectful.

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