Break Point

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Two years passed after the war. People start getting used to living with aliens. There is finally a peace between humans and aliens. However, it cannot be said this for Hayley. She again feels frustrated for aliens and thet's why, she never go out, spend her time with her friends or family. She never fall in love after she lost the man she loves. She still lives her grief and she knows thet this grief will never pass away, her pain will always be fresh as the time she learnt he died.

It is an ordinary morning; actually for everyone except Hayley. Hayley and her family are making their breakfast. Hayley does not eat anything as she never did for two years and that's why she lost so moch kilos. Ashley's worry always increases in that two years everytime she sees her daughter like this. Finally, Theodore starts talking about this in breakfast. "Hayley, it's been two years. You still look unpleased, you do not eat properly, and your notes became lower. You should spruse yourself." Hayley looks at her father. "I'm sorry dad, but I'm not hungry." Ashley talks with her this time. "Darling, you lost too much kilos, your body becomes weak, I'm scared that you are going to be sick." Hayle smiles her mother to relieve her. "I'm fine mom." Hayley turns to her little brother. "Your breakfast is over, Sam?" Sam shakes his head. Hayley and Sam stand up and leaves the house for going school. Ashley And Theodore looks after them and after they leave the house, they start talking. "What are we going to do? She is going to b like this forever?" "Only one thing can fix her Ashley." "And what is that?" "Another man that grabs Hayley's attention." "It's seems that that man will never come up for her." "She will understand that she is wrong Ashley." After this talk, they finish their breakfast and preapre themselves to go to work.

Heyley and Sam arrive at school. Sam goes to primary school and Hayley goes to high school. Hayley, meets with her friend Katie; blonde hair and blue eyes, neither thin, nor fat, smiling. They go into achool together. When they did, they meet with other friends: Caroline, brown hair, brown eyes, white skin and thin, calm; and Jared, auburn, muscular, stands strong. These four start talking with each other. However, Hayley does not join this conversation. Hayley still considers about the man she lost in the war. Her friends call her for snapping out of it. Katie first talking. "Are you still thinking about him?" then Caroline. "Two years passed Hayley, you should carry on your life. You can't just be like this forever." Hayley is ruined for hearing these things. She cannot tolerate anymore and starts shouting. "Do you really want me to say that? Okay, then I am saying: I am disturbed living with those damned creatures and hundreds of people died because of them." Caroline talks with calm voice. "We understand you, you ar upset. We all are. But they were also upset about this and they prepared a ceremony to make it up." Hayley talks with lower voice because she notices that she grabbed attention from surroundings. "Nothing can bring them back Caroline. As long as they are living with us this place will not be in peace. By the way, the bell rings and the four splits up for going their classes.

Hayley's class is at the laboratory. She gets into the laboratory and finds a place to sit. She puts her bag on chair right next to her to not let students sit next to her. By this way, she listens every classes lonely. This time, it does not work because the laboratory becomes full. Every seat is full except the one which is next to Hayley. One more boy comes to laboratory. He looks for seat but he cannot find. Then, he sees Hayley's bag. He goes to there. "Excuse me, is this empty?" Hayley, looks around and sees there are no other seats. She does not answer the boy but she moves her bag from there, and the guy sits next to her.

The teacher comes into the class and salutes her students. She puts her stuff on her table and before she begin her class, she makes inspection. She calls every students' name and they all say "Here." except one. The teacher counts the class and notices something. There is one extra student in the class. The guy, who is sitting next to Hyaley stands up. "I am the new one, m'am. I came here with transport." The teacher grabs her pen. "What's your name, I will write here." The guy answers. "My name is Ezra Walker." The teacher writes and then turns to Ezra. "You can sit down Ezra. Nice to meet you." Ezra sits down and the teacher starts her class.

While she was teaching, Ezra looks at Hayley without letting her noticing it, he sees Hayley is scratching her notebook. When he sees her like this, he speaks with her with low voice. "I think I am not the only one alone in this school." Hayley, responds him, without looking his face, harshly. "I am not alone. I just don't trust people around me." Ezra, surprises about Hayley's reaction. He understands immediately that she is upset, broken, filled with hatred. However, he cannot figure out what this hatred for. Ezra talks with her with low and calm voice. "I was just trying to help you." Hayley becomes more harsh when Ezra keeps talking with her. "I don't need anyone's help."This harsh was loud that some of the students looks to her. When she notice this, she closes herself down and wait for the bell. Also she was praying for not continuing this conversation. Ezra keeps his mouth shut, but he keeps looking at Hayley. He notices that she did not like him. This was not a good beginning. Finally, the bell rings and Hayley grabs her bag and leaves the class as quickly as possible. Ezra looks after her. He realizes that, even she tells him that she does not, she needs help.

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