The Deal of Good and Bad

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Ezra stops his car in front of a cafe and parks his car closeby. They get off from the car and they go to the cafe. They sit on an empty place and they look in a menu. Actually, only Ezra looks at the menu, Hayley doesn't even open it. Minutes later, the waiter comes to them to take orders. Hayley first says what she wants "I want cappuccino, please." then Ezra talks to him. "Make it two." The waiter takes notes and then leaves. After the waiter goes, Ezra looks at Hayley and gets ready for asking his questions to her. "So, Hayley Carners. What is this hatred to aliens?" Hayley realizes what Ezra tries to do. "I don't have to answer your question. What are you? A cop?" Ezra does not give up, he wants to get what he needs. "Why do you think we are here now? I'm not going to let you leave until you answer my questions." Hayley takes a breathe. When it comes to Ezra, she shouldn't even try to run away. She decides to say to him and she tells everything what she has been gone through. She tells him how her great life turn into a hell. Ezra lisens her story wery carefully and after she finishes, he talks. "They prepared a ceremony for deceases. They didn't want any of this." By the way, the waiter brings coffees to them and puts coffees on the table right in front of them. Hayley responds him. "If they didn't why they are here, right now? Why did they arrived here? Why didn't they live in their own planet? This was their plan exactly. They are trying to gain everybody's trust. They are planning something bigger than that war. I don't know what but it will soon come out." "Do you really believe in that? If they are planning somethin, why they did not do it before? Why would they do it after two years?" Hayley stands straight and looks at Ezra, hatred and grief because of what happened in the war. "Whether they are planning something or not, I don't care. I hate every single one of them. They took the love of my life. Maybe everyone forgave them, but I will never forgive them." Ezra drinks his cappuccino and then asks something else. "Okay, I get it. You hate them. But how do you understand who is alien who is human? They are same as human." Hayley this time calms down, leans her back to chair and answers his question. "I don't. That's why I don't talk with anyone. We will never be in safe as long as they exist in our planet." "How do you know that?" Ezra takes one more gulp from his coffee. Then, Hayley takes her coffe to drink. "I just have a feeling. Think about Dylan, for example. He and Katie met for just few days and he tried to have sex with her without condom." Ezra tries to show her that he is thinking about that but actually he does not, because he knows exactly why he tried that.

It is closely passed the mid-night. Dylan, Sidney and Abigail go to bar after the party. Dylan takes shots of whiskey, he becomes drunk. Abigail asks Dylan. "So what really happened in there?" Dylan finishes his drink again and wants one more from the barmen, then he tells them everything what happened. After Dylan is finished, Sidney speaks. "Humans behave more careful about this nowadays. We should not wait, we have to do it as quickly as possible and directly. You have to find a way to make Kaite forgive you." Dylan responds Sidney, not completely clear because he is drunk. "It would be hard with Katie." Sidney holds Dylan's arm for balance him; he cannot stand straight. "No. You are not going to give up. You just need to catch a time that she is not careful, then it is done. Whatever you do, make her forgive you." Dylan nods and they cheer, drinking.

Hayley and Ezra finishes their coffee. Ezra pays the check. Hayley gets her chair and stands up. "I have to go home." Ezra stands up too. "Let me drive you home." Hayley rejects his offer, even she know it won't work. She never gives up on her stubornness. "Thank you, but I want to be alone." She starts walking and Ezra stops her. "I can't leave you alone in the middle of the night." Throughout her life, Hayley does not need any help about her safe. However, this time, even she reject it, she knows that it will be different this time. "I can take care of myself." Just like she guessed, Ezra does not leave her alone again. Hayley turns to him. "What should I do to let me go alone?" Ezra thinks about it, and then comes something into his mind. "We can make an allegation. Two days later there would be a biology exam you know that. If I get B and more we will go to the gradute prom together. You will be my partner. If I don't I will neer show myself in front of you." Hayley thinks about that allegation and she decides. "Deal. But I will not give my notes." Ezra does not bother about that and he nods. "Deal." They shake hands. After that, Ezra apeaks. "So, may I derive you home?" This time, Hayley changes her mind. Actually, she has to. "Okay." The go out the cafe and they get into Ezra's car and Ezra drives to Hayley's home.

Ezra stops the car in front of Hayley's house, Hayley turns to him and thanks him. "That is very kind of you, but don't you dare think of something else." "Why would I?" Hayley looks at her, raising her eyebrows, then opens the door and gets out of the car. She walks to her house's door. Before she get in, she turns around and sees Ezra has not gone yet. "You have to leave, you know. I arrived at my home." Ezra gets close to the window and responds "I'm not going to leave until you get into your house." She scratches her neck and opens the door. After she gets into the house, Ezra leaves. Hayley watches him from the window to see he will leave or not. Then, she goes to her room silently, not waking her parents and her brother up.

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