Invasion Day

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Every year, technology develops more and more. Humans cannot reach this increase very easily. Only the most powerful, rich ones are the survivors of the development of technology. Actually, not just technology, everything what needs for humans are developing itself every time. There are also some theories come up because of this development. However, some legends does not end talking about it. People talk every time about it. The main example can be given for this is; aliens. Some people claim that they really see aliens on the Earth, even they tried to kidnap humans and made some tests on it. Some of them believed them, some of them not.

The year is 2033, and the date is 12th of March. It is the middle of the day. People are running for reaching their buisiness in streets of New York City. And the car traffic is stopped. No car is moving from their position. The police tries to guide cars to keep the traffic in control but that does not work. People on sidewalks crushing to other people with unaware and they do not be gentle; they do not apologize to them. Some of people are on the phonecall and try to go wherever they want to go. 

Suddenly, the beautiful blue sky becomes dark. When people notice this dark, they look upwards and they see huge ships and their noise goes all over the city. People start screaming and running away. They all try to find some safe place like subway or inside of a cafe or a restaurant. Some of them tries to go back to their home. However, it was too late for them, because gunfires start coming from the ships. The city is all in fire. People who is outside mostly affect from those explodes. The army gets ready for defend and they start countering the fires and they fire to those ships.Some of soldiers of the army tries to help people to reach their homes.

This huge, terrible war lasts six months. Throughout the war, hundreds of people couldn't survive. In addition, most of soldiers of the army died during the war and the army became weak against ships. There seems no damage on those ships. At the end of six months, the government decides that they should surrender. The government gives the order to the army and the army withdraws. Gunfires stop. After six years, silence occurs for a few seconds. After that silence, an image comes up from one of the ship. In that image, there was a human look-like sitting and looking to them. However, it is not human. "Let me introduce myself; my name is Stefan Wayland. I am the president of my planet. Yeah, you've heard we have come from a different planet from different galaxy. Actually, we did not want to fight with you, we did not want to begin this war but we need to keep ourselves in safe, just like you do during the war. We all are calling you for a ceasefire. We just want one thing from you; our planet has been destroyed because of natural disasters, we have nowhere else to stay. We would like to stay with you, on your Earth." The government thinks about this offer, they make an argument about it and then finally, they decides to accept it.

After that, people call them aliens and aliens start coming down from their ships. Aliens look exactly same as humans but the only thing differs them is their colour of blood which is green. For making peace with humans, aliens want to prepare a ceremony for people who died during the war. A huge wall is built in the square and all New York people gathers at there. The prime minister ascends on the rostrum and looks at the public. "We overcame this terrible war together. We all survived from it because we stand together. If we do not break away, we can overcome worse wars. This war was not done deliberately. Aliens want to be in peace with us and that's why they organized this ceremony. I know you have lost people you love, I know this ceremony cannot bring them back, but if we stand strong, they will not die for nothing. Don't forget that they dies for saving this city. You should be proud of them. And also you should make them proud. Now, you can start leaving flowers in front of the wall, and then the pray will begin."

Every people start passing in front of the wall and they put their flowers in front of the wall. They all are upset, crying for deceased people. Women try to hide their crying by their sunglasses, but they all are carrying their handkerchiefs, looking wet because of tears. A sixteen year-old, brown hair and hazel eyes, light skin, not much thin girl, puts her flower, she crouches down and puts her hand on a name. She does not hiding herself that she is crying. Her face is looking very white like dead person and she was shaking because of her upset. Everyone was leaving the wall, except her. She keeps looking at that name and holding her hand at there. It seems like her heart was really broken, impossible to fix it. Finally her mother comes to her and puts her hands on her daughter's shoulder. "Hayley, come on, we need to go." Hayley looks one more, then she stands up and keeps moving. She and her family takes their place. The prime minister shows up. "The priest is here. It's time to pray to our people." Everyone starts praying and the priest begins talking.

The ceremony is over and everyone goes back to their home. Hayley and her family starts walking to their home. Hayley takes off her glasses, her eyes' surroundings redden because of crying. Her make up goes under her eyes and her eyelids are became darker. Her mother comes near Hayley "I'm sorry, darling, but you will get through it don't worry." Her father moves in. "Ashley, please don't push her." Ashley turns to her husband. "I'm not Theodore. I'm supporting my daughter. We all should do." Hayley looks at her parents. "Thank you for all supports but I will not be okay until they leave from our Earth." Hayley turns back and walks with her own. Her family looks after her, worried and desperate. They want to do everything for her happiness but they both know that this won't work because Hayley is stubborn. For Hayley, everything will not be what it used to be. She knows that she cannot trust anybody anymore.

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