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Everyone is asleep and I sit up not wanting to sleep in case I get a nightmare again. A loud bang of someone walking on deck makes all the boys jolt up anxiously. A guy looks at Tommy and nods his head to go look. Tommy shakes his head but the guy points his gun at Tommy and Tommy goes over and looks up. The person on deck starts to walk down the latter. Alex pulls me behind him and I glance over the right side of him and hold my breath.

Some of the guys pull down the man and a older man who has orange hair and a blue uniform on. "Who are you? Are you german?" Alex asks holding his rifle at the man. "No, no Dublin. I'm from Dublin." The poor man says holding his hands in front of him. I step towards him and kneel down. "Why did you leave your boat?" My manly voice asks. "I hid on the beach in case the Germans came." He says scared. "It's okay. We aren't going to hurt you." I say gently with my normal voice. The scared man looks at me shocked. I wink at him and smile. "He's fine." My masked voice says. Everyone goes back sitting down and I go next to Tommy.

"You okay?" He asks. I nod my head and let out a tired sigh. My blue eyes start to close until a gun shot makes me jump. Everyone grabs there rifles but Tommy stops them. "Stop they don't know we're down here." He says quietly. "Then why are they bloody shooting at us?" A guy asks. "Don't you see, target practice." Tommy says. Everyone steps away from that spot. "We need to plug the hole." Alex says looking at the bullet holes. A man goes over to plug it until he gets shot.

I jump and Tommy pulls me to his chest. The man that was shot starts screaming and some guys cover his mouth and lye him down trying to muffle the screaming. I hold my tears back watching the scene. Tommy hides my head in his chest holding me protectively. "Bloody hell you're acting like a girl Barton." Someone says looking at Tommy and I. "That's because I am a girl, you bloody idiot."

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