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Everyone is asleep on the ground in there sleeping bags, and I take this time to freshen up. No one has come to notice that I am a girl yet which I am interiorly  grateful for. I walk a mile out of the camp ground and start to fix my hair behind a tree. As I am going to the restroom squatting I hear a branch snap and I quickly get up. Tommy stands in front of me with eyes wide. I look around to have my hair whip in my face, and stand pants less in front of Tommy. I quickly pull my pants up and look at Tommy with pleading eyes. "Who are you? What are you?" He asks quietly. I roll my eyes at how stupid boys can be, "Tommy please don't tell anyone that I am a girl. Im just looking for my friend, and I don't want him to die. Please Tommy I'll answer any questions you have." I say using my normal voice pleading. Tommy nods his head and sits on a trunk of a cut down tree, I sit next to him and sigh. "Whats your real name?" Tommy asks me. "Luna." "Who is Barton?" I look at him with sad eyes and let out a shaky breath. "Barton was my twin brother. He died when we were six due to a illness. I used his name to get into the war." I state looking at Tommy. He seems to be thinking everything over in his mind. "Why are you here?" He asks me quietly. "Like I said. Im looking for my friend." I say looking out into the dark night. "Do you love him?"
"Ill keep your secret." he says looking at me. I smile and hug him tightly.
"Thank you." I whisper.


I run along the pavement right next to Tommy and four other soldiers. The Germans are now surrounding Dunkirk, and we have no way out. I haven't seen Alex for the whole time I've been in the war. "Look out!" Tommy says pushing me as one of the four guys with us gets shot. It was like time stopped. Everyone started running, and Tommy was pulling me along with him. We manage to find our way around a corner. The abandoned city is quiet, and the only noise you heard was the wind, and gun shots. I look around and see a old toy that must have belonged to a child. One guy looks over and sees a small little smoke that could not be detected a mile away, as he goes over to it more gun shots fill the air. Tommy and I with a another person run fast as our legs can take us. Tommy starts to jump over the fence, and I follow right after. Once I'm on the other side I offer my hand to the other guy that was with us, but he gets shot and it takes me all my strength not to scream out. Tommy pulls me down to the ground and pulls me onto his lap. "Luna are you okay?" He asks quietly as he says my name. I nod my head and give Tommy a fake smile. We get up and start running through the alley to be shot at again by some french people. I pull Tommy behind a garbage can and we hold our hands up. "England! Were form England!" Tommy yells. They stop shooting and we make our way through the sand bag barricades. The man say mean things to use in french, which we don't understand.

Tommy walks a head of me as we reach the beach. "Do you think Alex could be here?" I ask Tommy normally since we are alone. "If he's not dead maybe." Tommy says. I stop walking and look at him hurt. Sure there is a great chance Alex is dead but I can't think like that. Tommy turns around and lets out a sigh. "Im sorry Luna, Im sure he is on the dock or the beach." Tommy says pulling me into a light hug. I nod my head and let some tears fall from my eyes. We continue  walking since Tommy has to go to the bathroom, and I guard as he goes. I see a man burying  another man in the sand. I walk over and help him finish. The man gives me a small smile and puts on a shoe that was probably the dead mans. Tommy walks over looking worried but I give him a small smile. "Come on Barton lets go to the beach." Tommy says dragging me along.

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