Chapter 15: Another Sleepless Night

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Hana Isuzu should have felt better about talking to Maho, but she kicked herself all the way home for not telling her what was tearing her apart. She was reluctant to go to sleep. She didn't eat a lot all day, she even had taken anti nausea medicine. She laid in her bed for about an hour before shear exhaustion took her into the war of her dreams.


"Good shot Hana." Miho said congratulating Hana on her shot into the tiger engine deck.

"Thanks." Hana said an excited tone in her voice. They had won another tournament. Mako pulled the panzer back around the tiger, which was waving a white flag that indicated a kill. She through open the side turret hatch and say on the edge, the rest of the crew climbed up and out of there hatches. They were just about to congradulate Maho on a challenging match. Just as they were getting out, a massive explosion erupted from the engine deck.

"Oh my god." Miho whispered. In a split second the perfect moment turned into a catastrophe. All 5 girls hit the ground running to get to the tiger that was only a few meters away. Hana and mako went to the front and opened the driver out of the tank. "Be careful miporin!"she heard saori shout. Hana looked up at Miho who was pulling the bloodied half concious burned body of her sister out the top commanders hatch. Hana kept working with mako and got the rest of the crew out. Shooting a look over at Miho, who was tending to her sister, who had a stunned look on her face, blood coming from a cut on her head where she must have hit the commanders hatch from the blast. Hana tended to the driver, who indicated that she would be okay. Hana turned around and saw Miho frozen. She ran over as fast as she could. She was stopped cold by the sight in front of her. Miho couldn't take her eyes off the pale, bloodied body of her sister. Miho was in shock. Miho suddenly snapped back into action, she checked for a pulse, but couldn't find one, Hana tried as well, still finding nothing. The first tears streamed down miho's face as she stared into the unmoving eyes of her sister. By now, both her and miho's clothes were soaked in sweat and blood. Miho stopped moving. She simply reached up to maho's face and closed her eyes.

The rest of the team ran over, but miho waved them off. "No. It's too late." She whispered crying. "She's gone." Hana couldn't believe it. she had killed her best friends sister. She felt a cold sweat on her, her stomach turned. Miho leaned over and kissed the body of her sister. "Your free now." Miho whispered to her sister. She then stood up and walked over to Hans, who still knelt on the other side of maho's body She knelt down next to Hans. "I'm sorry." She whispered She couldn't meet miho's eyes.

"It's not your fault." Miho said.

"But how can you forgive me, i just killed your older sister." Hana said crying.

"I think you saved her. She never did like the way things were run at kuromoromine, but the only thing to drive her away from the way my mother ran the school was death." Miho said.

"Miho, I am so sorry, I had know idea that tank would explode. I..."

"No it's okay." She said. Hana didn't see miho again for a couple of weeks.. She

received an invitation to the funeral at the nishizumi house. Miho was dressed in full

kuromoromine officer's cloths, next to maho's best friend Erika, in matching attire. Hana had wore the nicest dress she could find in her closet. She saw yukari, mako, and Saori all with miho and Erika. She took a breath and walked over.

"Hana!" Miho said, walking over and hugging her friend as if nothing had happened. Miho read the uelogy for her sister, and then they all filed past the casket to say their final goodbyes. Hana was ahead of miho, who was last. Maho was dressed in full kuromoromine dress officers uniforms, the uniform of a full kuromoromine fieldmarshall to be exact, as she had qualified for that rank, and certainly earned it. She couldn't bare to look back and see miho. She sooned filed out. The casket was carried out past the small group of people, it was closed with a kuromoromine flag draped over it. The kuromoromine ROTC followed, with their karabiner 98k rifles. Miho found Hana "Are you okay" Hana asked

"I guess." Miho said

"Are you sure." Hana asked, not believing it for a second 

"My sister's dead Hana." Miho said looking at the floor

"I know and i'm sorry" Hana said, tears silently fell from her eyes and down her cheeks.

"Her last words to me were don't grieve, and don't give up." Miho said, beginning to cry. The casket was placed into the grave, and the ROTC fired their 21 gun salute. Hana closed her eyes.

She opened them to find herself in her room again. She was once again drenched in a cold sweat, tears rolling down her face, her stomach in knots, breathing heavily. She got up and went to the bathroom again, and once again, threw up. She brushed her teeth again and went back to her room. She settled in snd tried to relax. She had tell someone. Soon.

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