Chapter 6: The fight

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A/N-I know that Shiho Nishizumi, Miho's and Maho's mother is probably a little out of character in this story, but I decided to venture into the realm of plot convenience because I needed them to fight, so this happened.  Any way enough about my inability to write, on with the story

"What's wrong maho?" Miho asked her big sister, who looked much better, even though she had a limp in her step, which she held just like a "proper nishizumi" as her mother had said, which ment she was expecting the response she got from her sister. "It's nothing." Like hell it is. Miho thought as she watched her sister walk over to the window. Miho had seen something wrong with her sister. She couldn't meet miho's eyes, and she had a lot of pain in her voice. Oh well, she will tell me when she's ready.

Maho had been expecting what was coming. She waited in miho's room talking with her little sister about miho's recent world of tanks experience.

" so the panther looks behind him, sees the little Stuart and casually pushes him into the water." Miho described the match she had witnessed.

"And that ladies and gentlemen is why they call it derpendberg." Maho said laughing. There was a knock on the door. Here we go. Maho got up and answered the door. Their mother walked in. Shiho nishizumi had always held winning above everything. Maho knew how the conversation would go.

"Where have you been." She asked. Disregarding the fact that miho was even in the room. Maho couldn't believe she had asked that question.

"Where have I be... Where do you think I have been." Maho had had enough of this constant torment of never pleasing her mother, and was determined to break out of it with her little sister.

"You should have been back at the ship, why have you been here

"I have been watching over my little sister." She said, her bent up emotions growing.

"Oh so it would seem, you and the enemy getting along fine?" She asked, emphasizing enemy. Maho looked over at miho, she saw the pain in her eyes, the tears growing. That was the breaking point.

"Alright, I can't hold this in anymore. I'm done, that's it, I'm done." Maho said firmly "What do you mean." Shiho asked.

"Yeah what are you doing sis?" Miho asked

"I'll tell you what I'm doing, I'm done taking crap from you." She said to her mother "Now listen to me..."

"No, I have listened to you for 18 years. Now I am going to speak my mind and you are going to listen." Maho said, realizing she was close to loosing her temper, she noticed miho was also getting upset. Maho couldn't stand seeing her little sister upset. "I'm done taking orders from you, and then coming back after I carry them out to take all your criticism about how I screwed it up. Im tired of having to win every single match to get so much as a good job out of you, and I'm tired of having to hurt people to get to the top, it hurts me as much as it hurts them."

"Have you been talking to this one? Has she been telling you how good it is at here

school because she was lucky enough to beat us once." Shiho said. Maho now saw

tears rolling down her sisters face. She lost it. All her restraint was gone. She slammed her fist on the table

"That's another thing, I'm tired of having to disown my own sister for your stupid

reputation. I think what she did in that match against pravda 2 years ago was very noble, I wish I could have helped her. Do you want to know the only reason I put up with all the things you said and did? I did it because I thought that if I was the perfect nishizumi heiress, miho would be free to live her own life away from you." "Why did you help her when your tank exploded."

"Why did I help her, because she is my sister and I love and care about her, I thought you did to, that's why I put up with all the crap you gave me, because I thought if I left, you would force her back and try to teach her your "style" and make her miserable. but the way your talking about her, I see that wont happen."

"What are you saying, your quitting the schools tankery class because I hurt your feelings?" She asked, more in a provoking tone."

"No I'm quitting because I care for my sister and can't keep fighting her." "That is not your decision commander." She said

"Yes it is." Miho suddenly said.

"What did you say to me." Shiho said turning to miho.

"I said it is her decision. I know you think I'm a failure, maybe I am and maybe I'm not, but maho and I are our own people and can make our own decisions." "Yeah." Maho said. "And I'm done with kouroromine. I'm transferring to ooarai." "You can't do that." Shiho said.

"Yes I can."

"No, you belong kurorormine, no other school can match us. Especially not ooarai." She said very militarily.

"Yes she can, if she wants to join her reject sister at ooarai, she can ." Miho exploded. "And if you can't respect the fact the she is her own person, then I think she should leave. frankly she should have left long ago. I have seen a side of my sister these past couple of days I haven't seen in 3 years, and I like it. It shows she actually still has feelings. 1 thought the sister I played with as a kid died when she dawned that uniform. But she didnt she was imprisoned by you, and now, she is escaping your grasp to become her own person, and your so focused on winning, you would let one daughter die in an explosion and watch the the other die emotionally right in front of you for a victory. This is tankery not war!"

"You have a choice maho, come back kouroromine or stay here." Maho walked to miho's side.

"Very we'll, stay, and don't come back. Either of you." She said as she walked out.

"Don't worry." Maho said as she left. Maho turned to miho and hugged her sister.

"Did you mean it. You only stayed to protect me?" Miho asked, tears still in her eyes. "Every word of it." She whispered, relieved that it was over.

"But that school was your best shot to become the best in the world." Miho said "What's a title if you have to hurt the ones you care about to get it." Maho said.

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