Chapter 12: Hana's Nightmare

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"Good shot Hana." Miho said congratulating Hana on her shot into the tiger engine deck.

"Thanks." Hana said an excited tone in her voice. They had won another tournament. Mako pulled the panzer back around the tiger, which was waving a white flag that indicated a kill. She through open the side turret hatch and sat on the edge, the rest of the crew climbed up and out of there hatches. They were just about to congradulate maho on a challenging match. Just as they were getting out, a massive explosion erupted from the engine deck.

"Oh my god." Miho whispered. In a split second the perfect moment turned into a catastrophe. All 5 girls hit the ground running to get to the tiger that was only a few meters away. Hana and mako went to the front and opened the hatch and pulled the driver out of the tank.

"Be careful miporin!"she heard saori shout. Hana looked up at miho who was pulling the bloodied half concious burned body of her sister out the top commanders hatch. Hana kept working with mako and got the rest of the crew out. Shooting a look over at miho, who was tending to her sister, who had a stunned look on her face, blood coming from a cut on her head where she must have hit the commanders hatch from the blast, her legs where severely burned and one looked to be swelling up_ Hana tended to the burned driver. They were about 15 meters from the tank.

"Miho, no!" She heard maho's voiced, strained with pain. Hana looked over at the tank and saw miho running towards it By the time maho got her warning out, the ammo exploded, Hana jumped over the body of the driver to protect her from shrapnel, watching in horror as miho flew into the air_ She heard the gut wrenching noise of bones crunching when miho hit the ground. She watched as maho struggled to her feet and ran to miho's side. She saw maho kneel down and check her sisters pulse. She looked at the driver of the tiger, who had also seen it and indicated that she would be fine, giving Hana the opportunity to run to help miho. She ran over to where the nishizumis were and stopped in her tracks when she saw the tears rolling down maho's face, holding her little sisters hand. Maho reached up to miho's face and closed her eyes, all the life drained out of them. Hana knelt over her best friend. "Miho." She whispered. Picking up her other hand and checking for a pulse. There wasn't one. "No." She whispered openly crying. Maho was crying to, but was maintaining her dignity. At this point Hana didn't care about her dignity. She heard maho whisper "miho." With incredible pain and grief in her voice. She heard the gasps of her friends who were just about to repeat the process maho and Hana had. "Don't." Maho said, sounding incredibly firm. All an act that she couldn't keep up "she's gone." Maho said. Hana heard the pain in her voice and it cut her like a knife. She didn't know what her friends did after maho told them, all she could do was stare at the broken body of her friend. Maho stood up and came to Hana's side. Hana feared what maho would do. After all, Hana just killed her little sister.

"Maho I'm so..." She started. Maho didn't let her finished. She knelt down besides Hana, put her arms around her and hugged her.

"It's not your fault." Maho whispered, being that's about all she could do and be understood. They all sat there crying until the paramedics arrived. When the ambulance arrived, they rushed to miho first, only confirmed what Maho had said. Miho nishizumi was dead. The paramedics then began to tend to everyone else. Hana looked over and saw shiho nishizumi walk over. She met maho and they hugged each other. They walked over to miho's body. They both sat their for what felt like hours. Maho walked back over to Nana, who was sitting on the panzer, shivering. She had chills from the terror of what just occurred. Maho handed her a blanket and climbed up on the tank.

"My mom told me to thank you for being such a good friend to miho." Maho said. She sounded like she had pulled herself together. Hana was confused, how could maho not be angry with her, after all, she just killed her sister, not to mention the damage it did to her. A paramedic walked over, wanting to examine maho.

"I'm fine." She said, brushing the paramedic of The rest of the anglerfish team were all lost in thought, scattered around the scene.

"I want to thank you to." Maho said "What?" Hana asked.

"You gave miho something to believe in. I ruined tankery for her, you saved it." Maho said.

"How can you be thanking me though," Hana asked, feeling tears well up again. "My shot just killed your little sister"

"No, it didn't. Your shot won you the match, her care for me killed her." Maho said, on the verge of crying herself

"What," Hana asked

"She ran back to the tank to get a picture of me, her, and our parents 1 kept in the tank, she wanted to save it. By the time I figured out she was going back, i was to late, If anyone is at fault, it's me. She was trying to help me. I never got to apologize for the way I acted." She said, tears already falling. A few weeks later, Hana was attending the funeral of her best friend. She was so grief stricken, she couldn't listen to maho's uelogy. She was the last of the ooarai girls to say their final goodbyes. She looked into the casket. Maho had dressed miho herself. She looked so pretty, dressed in a kuromoromine officers uniform

"I'm sorry." Is all she could say. She turned around and saw maho saying her final goodbyes behind her, she was the last. Maho walked up to Hana. This was the first time Hana saw her dressed in something other than a kuromoromine uniform. She wore a long black dress with a bow and flower in her hair.

"Don't grieve." She said

"What" Hana asked confused

"Mourn for her, but don't grieve. She wouldn't have wanted you to suffer" Maho said As the procession arrived at the grave, carrying the casket with a kuromoromine flag draped over it. one of the rotc handed maho a folded up flag. the kuromormine ROTC gave miho a final send off with a 21 gun salute. As the guns went off, Hana closed her eyes. She opened them and was in her room. She was breathing heavily, she was drenched in a cold sweat, she looked at the clock, it was 3:00 am. She got up and went to the bathroom. She was so scared she threw up. She brushed her teeth again and went back to her room. She opened her phone and looked at her home screen for a second, all five of them with miho in the middle. She checked her messages. She saw the last message miho sent, it was from 11:00 pm that night. She breathed a sigh of relief and took a drink of the water on the nightstand to try and relax. There was no way she was going back to sleep, so she just pulled out her laptop and began surfing the web, trying desperately to relax.

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